part one

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mood: everglow- coldplay

Saturday, November 17th 10:11 am

It had been over a week. A week and one day since the last time Harry saw Louis. It was like he vanished from his life completely. Never once did he see Louis since that Friday— not at school, not in the mornings or afternoons, not even the following Monday when Harry went knocking on Louis' door to see him. Laura said he wasn't in but he knew it was a lie. There was insincerity in her voice and when he walked across the way from his house he saw a silhouette in Louis' room. Harry couldn't help but feel like Louis avoided being home as to not see him because he knew he was going to make attempts, maybe even force his way in.

The only times he got the slightest glimpse of his neighbour was when Louis would get home around ten thirty at night. God knows what he was doing. He could've been visiting his nan, or babysitting those wonderful Vacarescu kids, or he could have been volunteering at that animal rescue centre. There was an endless amount of possibilities as to what Louis was doing at it almost stung. The fact that he went to such great lengths to avoid Harry over a god damn kiss.

When he first saw him, Harry was sitting in his bay window, sulking in his sorrow, staring up at the stars and the moon trying not to think about Louis, but how could he not? Louis was the moon; so beautiful yet so far away. He couldn't touch the moon and he couldn't touch Louis. Every night after that incident, Harry would sit at the window until he'd fall asleep in hopes of seeing Louis and in those nights he couldn't take his eyes off the moon. As much as he wanted to look away, he found himself entrapped by the light and the glow it gave the night. It was only then where Harry realised how much Louis really embodied the moon. He had a lot of dark parts to him, things are hidden away— he held many secrets. Hardly ever do you get to see a full moon and hardly ever do you get to see the real Louis.

Every twenty nine days a full moon shines.

A full moon occurs once a month but if you're lucky and the month's right, you'll get to see it twice. Full moons only appear when the moon is perfectly aligned with the sun— where the moon is directly between the earth and sun. Most days Louis never showed himself for who he was but there were those rare occasions where he'd be so free and careless. The moon goes through many phases and so did Louis. Every day you got something different and though it wasn't a routine like most things, it was beautiful nonetheless.

Harry tried to be the sun, he really did. He did his best to shine his light on Louis but nothing ever seemed to be enough. Louis would always pull back even when things were going great and Harry really couldn't understand why. He was devoted. He showed him nothing but love and care and honesty but still Louis ran away. Harry adored him greatly and allowed him to shine with a bit of encouragement but apparently it just wasn't enough. Because the moon was shy. Maybe the moon never wanted to shine but the sun was selfish. The sun wanted to always be present so he took over both the day and night and used the moon as a vessel.

Maybe the moon never wanted to shine.

Definitely not the nicest thing to think of but it was something that Harry might have to come to terms with.

The first few days were rough. Harry cried quite a bit and he wasn't acting like his usual preppy self. He was dragging himself through the days with obvious exhaustion in his eyes. His lids were puffy, eyes dull and drained, and there were deep purple circles just below them. The curls on his head resembled that of a nest and he didn't feel the need to wear decent clothes. From the way he presented himself he might as well had lost a close family member, at least that's how he was acting. Was he overreacting? Possibly, but what people didn't understand was that Louis was just so special to him in every single way. That boy meant so much to him and he legitimately felt like his world was falling apart without him and it had only been a week.

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