wow, this guy is like a russian doll

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mood: 1, 2, 3, 4- plain white tees

Monday October 29th, 6:59 am

Harry was never a morning person. Mornings, to him, were like the devil himself. Who even invented going to school at seven thirty in the god forsaken morning anyway? The brain doesn't even start fully functioning until like ten or something, at least that was what Louis told him before when he liked to ramble on about complete nonsense. He vaguely remembered Louis doing his psychology homework and then ranting about how school hours should be pushed back to ten or eleven because the brain's developmental time doesn't start until around then due to hormones and puberty or whatever. He went on about how that was why teenagers tended to sleep in on weekends— because their circadian rhythm doesn't start until then— and how school districts should move sports in the morning because physical activity helps stimulate the activity of the brain, or something like that.

Nonetheless Harry rolled out of bed and dreaded going to school. He wasn't one of those people who enjoyed attending school like Louis, but he never did mind it. Without Louis, there was really no reason to even think about having a fun day. He decided that today was going to be a relax day so he put on black skinnies with rips at the knee and a plain white t-shirt. Slipping on a pair of raggedy brown boots, he walked downstairs to get something for breakfast before heading out. "Morning mum," Harry greeted walking into the kitchen, giving Millie a hug and kiss on the cheek. She plastered the best smile she could muster up as she cooked breakfast. "Where's dad?" He could see his mum's body visibly tensing from that sentence.

"He never came home last night," Millie whispered trying not to let the tears fall down. Harry didn't respond but huffed and shook his head as he reached for a granola bar and his packed lunch from the fridge to put in his backpack.

"Don't mum." Harry pulled her away from the stove to give her a proper hug. "Don't waste your tears on him." He kissed the top of her head and held her close.

"I know, but I love him." Harry loved his mum to the absolute death. He'd do just about anything for that woman and right now he was trying his best to protect her from falling apart.

"I know." His hand mindlessly rubbed up and down her back. "But you love me more, yeah? And you have to trust me on this."

Millie pulled away and that's when Harry wiped the tears away from her cheeks. "I'll try."

"We can hangout tonight, just you and me." Harry smiled and shook his mum a bit to get her to smile. "I can sleep in your bed just like old times."

That made Millie chuckle as she returned to stirring the eggs so they wouldn't stick to the pan. "Order takeout and watch movies?" She looked up from the pan and gave her son a hopeful smile.

"Whatever you like mummy." Harry grabbed his car keys from the countertop, spinning them around his finger before palming them in his hand.

"You're not walking with Louis?" Just like his mum, Harry was going through some things he didn't really want to talk so he just shook his head and made his way to the door. She turned around to look at her son, the sight saddening due to her red rimmed, glassy eyes. "You guys still haven't talked?" He shook his head again, really not wanting to talk about it. "Well, I wish you both good luck."

"Thanks, love you mum."

"Love you Harry," was the last thing he heard before the door clicked shut behind him as he walked to his car.

His head drooped low between his shoulders, not sparing the possibility to see Louis and not be able to talk to him. He occupied himself by fumbling with his keys, looking at the few he had. "Driving us to school?" he heard an oh so familiar high pitched voice ask. He didn't want to believe it because he felt like he was being too hopeful but that was undeniably Louis' sweet voice. It could all be in his head but maybe, just maybe, Louis was a quick decision maker.

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