people pledge for world peace but still have hate in their hearts

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mood: ivory black- oliver riot

Saturday, September 22nd 9:23 am

Harry woke up the next morning feeling like he always did, tired but happy because he has another day to live. It's easy to be ungrateful for things that are given but he tried his best to appreciate every waking morning even if he dreaded them at times. This morning he felt happier than usual, refreshed even. It was an overpowering feeling, like an abundance of happiness that appeared out of nowhere for really no reason at all. But he tried to pay no mind to it and got up to brush his teeth. He splashed his face with water and rested his hands on either side of the sink, lifting his head up to look at his reflection in the mirror, watching the droplets drip down his face. After a few seconds of inspection, he dropped his head, taking a few deep breaths and shut his eyes.

It wasn't unusual for his mind to run wild the second he woke up. Harry was always full of poetic words and phrases, lots of things he wanted to say but never had the chance to. With everything he saw, a thought or lyrical sentence would pop into his mind but the only thing he thought about since he fell asleep last night were flashes of his time with Louis. Last night was truly amazing even if all they did was homework. After hours of pondering, Harry realized how alive he felt after hanging out with Louis and it felt so different than with any of his other friends. There wasn't an act he had to put on or words he had to be careful with saying (for the most part). It was a comfortable space for him to be in and he found himself longing for more, wanting to spend more time with Louis. The thought of it being the innocence and purity Louis radiated sent a wave of something Harry couldn't explain through his entire body. He smiled, shaking his head and grabbed a small towel to wipe his face dry.

As he made his way down to the kitchen, the smell of his mum cooking eggs filled his lungs and gave him comfort. He personally didn't like eggs all that much, but the smell of his mum's cooking always warmed him. Harry gently squeezed both of her arms, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Good morning mum," he said walking towards the fridge, grabbing the pitcher of water. He poured himself a glass of water and took a sip from it. His mum returned the greeting, smiling back at him. "Hey, um, can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure honey, just let me finish up these eggs," Millie said taking the food off the stove and putting them onto a plate with a piece of toast and shredded hash. Harry tugged and twisted the corner of the placemat, patiently waiting for his mum to finish preparing her meal.

Once she sat next to Harry, she offered the food to him with a simple push of her hands but he shook his head. "I'm going to have brunch with Monet in a bit." Millie nodded her head and grabbed her fork, beginning to push the food around. "Where's dad and Gemma?"

"They went out to the town to get a few things for next weekend." She took a sip from Harry's glass, earning a soft glare from her son. "Speaking of, you should bring Monet."

"Um, no thank you. We've only just started dating. I'm sure meeting the family at a weird get together isn't going make her want to stay." Harry chuckled clasping his hands together, leaning against the table on his elbows.

"It's not weird Harry, your uncle is just creative." Millie could barely hold back her laughter because, yeah, it was weird. Her brother was known as crazy Uncle Tom. She loved him to bits, how couldn't you? But she had to admit, he did have a few loose screws.

"Having to dress up as one of the first sixteen presidents of America is oddly specific and just overall weird. Not to mention the only reason why he chose sixteen was because he wanted to dress as Abraham Lincoln. We don't even live in America!"

"You know no one ever takes his outlandish themes seriously, what's there to worry about?"

"Because Uncle Tom takes his themes seriously and he's going to be dressed as Abraham Lincoln!" Harry exclaimed in laughter, throwing his hands up in the air. He wasn't embarrassed by his family, not even by crazy Uncle Tom. He loved them all dearly, but he just wasn't sure if introducing him to Monet this early in the relationship is going to be beneficial.

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