Black Hair and Whiskey Eyes

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Derek sees the cloud of dust before he hears the loud bang. He was sitting at the coffee table looking over some pages about witches in the just renovated Hale house when it happens. The pack had been having trouble for weeks with the troublesome magical creatures, and he just wanted them out of his territory. When the smoke clears, Derek can finally make out something through the wisps of white and grey.

It is a person. Not just a person, but a girl. She is hunched slightly over at her waist, and she is coughing. And swearing, like a sailor. The girl is young looking, probably sixteen at the most, with black semi straight hair, and a slender yet strong frame. Derek is just gaping at her, and he hasn't even stood up from his seat. Her back is still towards him, and he isn't even sure she knows he's there.

"Can't believe it actually worked." He hears her mumble, and he frowns. She is patting her body down like she is making sure everything is still there, and he decides to make his presences known.

"Can't believe what worked?" Derek asks, sharply. The girl takes in a deep breath, and turns to face him. Derek finds himself taking an involuntary step back because she looks just like Laura, but her eyes are different. She has whiskey colored eyes, the same color he sees almost every night before bed, and almost every morning when he wakes up. "What the hell?" He wonders aloud, and with that the girl takes off.

She runs quickly, and soon she is deep in the forest. She gets a good ten second head start before Derek decides he should probably chase her and find out who the hell she is. He makes it out of his house, none of the other wolves are with him at the moment, and runs into the area where her scent carries. It isn't a strong scent, he can barely make out the smell of fireplace soot, and he follows it the best he can.

Derek chases the mysterious girl for about five minutes before he realizes he is chasing a false scent. He stops, stunned, momentarily. That was the same thing he used to do to trick his sisters when he was younger, and this girl was clever enough to use it on him. A strong breeze blows across his face and along with it comes the smell of soot.

Derek walks carefully, and light on his feet. He doesn't want to crunch any leaves or break any twigs. He circles easily around the dense forest, and he suddenly hears the sound of panting. It is faint and soft, but Derek hears it. He follows the noise, and he catches the girl leaned against a tree with a hand over her mouth trying to quiet down the loud noise of her labored breathing.

He decides to tackle her to the ground in hopes of scaring a response for why she is here, and why does she look so similar to his dead sister. Derek catches her off guard with a growl, she yelps following to the ground, and he bleeds his eyes red to show her he is charge. Instead, of smelling fear and maybe anxiety; she just rolls her eyes.

"Okay, you got me. Let me up now." She demands, and though still panting she is smiling at him genuinely. Derek stares at her in shock, and know that she is looking at him. It makes the whole situation freak him out a little more.

"Excuse me?" He demands, and the girl quirks an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, right. Let me up, please." She says, and Derek blinks a few times before slowly leaning in to smell her. She doesn't seemed bothered by it; in fact, she smells him too. Derek takes a deep whiff of her hair, and he has to take another. She smells oddly like his bed sheets. A familiar smell trapped under the smell of pack and home. He also catches two very strong scents that seem to be incrusted even in her bones. She smells like him and Stiles. Derek back away from her to examine her more, and that when he pieces it together.

Somehow, someway, this girl is his and Stiles' daughter. Then, in all of his Alpha badassery, he faints.


Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now