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      It is a cold December day when Derek gets the news. He is reading in his chambers like always when he hears the knock on his door, and he turns his head towards the door to call a soft “Come in.” He can hear the familiar heartbeat of his mother, and even without having his sight anymore, he knows it is her. “Hello, Mother.” Derek says, and his mother places a warm hand on his shoulder. Derek tries not to flinch at the contact, but he tenses his shoulders.

Derek’s fingers dance across the page as he reads the familiar page of a book he’s read many times, and he hears the creaking of the chair as his mother sits next to him. He finds it odd for his mother to be here in his private room, Derek normally just sees his family at dinner, and he waits for her to say something. “We need to talk, Derek.” Talia says, and she runs her hand through his hair  and this time he does flinch. Talia withdraws her hand with a sigh, and Derek turns his head down towards his lap.

“Yes, Mother?” Derek whispers, and he can hear his mother shift in her seat. He can also smell her nervousness, and he frowns. His mother is never nervous, she is the Alpha, and he turns his body to where he is sure his mother is sitting.

“As you know, Cora has been proposed too.” Talia says, and Derek nods his head. He lays his hand on his other one, and he traces the scars that litter the skin. Derek knows he has scars, but he lost his sight the same night he got the scars. He has never seen them. “According to tradition, the children must get married in order of age.” Talia says, softly. Derek feels his spine stiffen, and he looks away from his mother. He hopes that she is not suggesting what he thinks she is.

“What are you saying?” Derek asks, through clenched teeth. Talia moves closer to him, and she gently places her hand on his knee.

“I have found you a betrothed.” Talia says, and Derek turns his attention towards her.

“Who?” Derek demands to know, and Talia pats his knee.

“John Stilinksi’s son.” Talia says, and Derek jumps in his seat some.

“The fox clan?” Derek asks, and Talia sighs softly. Derek shakes his head, and he pushes himself up out of his chair to walk around in his room. He cannot believe that his mother is doing this to him, and he feels anger building in his bones. This will change everything for him, and Derek doesn’t think he could handle that. He knows little of the fox clan, and he met his betrothed once when his mother and he traveled to their land when the fox queen died. The little fox club was in mourning, and Derek spoke softly to him before letting him be. Derek had no idea that he would too lose a parent not seven years after the boy lost his mother.

“Cora cannot marry until you do, and Clansman Stilinski told me that his son of age to get married. He, his son, and his son’s friend will be here in a week’s time.” Talia tells him, and Derek turns his attention towards the window.

“Did you tell him his son’s betrothed is a blind, scarred freak?” Derek spits, and he hears his mother’s gasp. Before he can move he feels his mother’s firm grip on his shoulder, and he doesn’t move.

“Do you dare say those things about my son.” Talia warns, and Derek sighs in defeat. He knows that he has to do this for his clan, for his sister, and for his kingdom. “Promise me you will try to find something about John’s son to like.” Talia asks, and Derek looks down at his feet.

“What is his name?” Derek asks, in a hushed whisper. He feels his mother take her hand off his shoulder before pressing a kiss to his scared cheek.

“Stiles.” Talia answers, and Derek can hear that she is already by the door. Derek nods his head, at least the name doesn’t sound cruel, but he cannot believe this is happening. “Goodnight, son.” Talia says.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now