Love Finds A Way (Mature Content)

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Sort of based on the show/books series Outlander.


"Why did you pick Ireland?" Stiles questions, pulling his luggage from the taxi.

"Maybe I just needed a vacation." Lydia says, and Stiles scoffs.

"No. More like jackass boyfriend number three cheated on you, and you stole his credit cards." Stiles points out, and Lydia shrugs her slender shoulders.

"Little from column A, little from column B." Lydia says, and Stiles laughs at her. He takes in the beautiful landscape around him. He really thinks this is a beautiful country, and he is glad that Lydia chose it.

"Well, I need a break from werewolf shit." Stiles says, and Lydia looks at him bored.

"Must be so hard to be an emissary to a whooping pack of four." Lydia says, sarcastically and Stiles almost drops his bag to gesture at the magically tattoos that litter his arms and most of his body.

"Must be so hard to scream really loud." Stiles says in the same tone, and his strawberry blonde best friend doesn't even look up from her phone. "Plus, Scott and Allison needs some alone time." Stiles adds on as an afterthought. Lydia makes a disinterested noise that she heard him, and Stiles just chuckles and takes her bag with his.

"Let's just check in." Lydia says, and Stiles follows her into the small bed and breakfast she booked for them. It's called "The Wolf's Den", and underneath it has a sign saying it has been around since eighteen-twenty. The place is small, but cozy, and has a friendly feel to it. The woman behind the counter smiles at them, and Stiles returns it. "One room, two beds under Martin." Lydia says, and the woman nods.

"Here you are, ma'am." The woman says, and her accent makes Stiles smile. "Be weary, young ones, the witches will be out tonight." The woman says, and given the last three years of his life dealing with werewolves, he doesn't doubt her.

"Why?" Stiles asks curiously, and he pulls down his shirt to hide his tattoos as he asks. The woman smiles at him like she knows that they know the truth, and Stiles finds himself leaning forward to hear better. Lydia is still on her phone, but Stiles knows she is listening too.

"They like to make mischief this time of year." The woman says, and Stiles laughs nervously. Lydia takes the room key, and walks towards the room. Stiles waves goodbye to the woman, and follows his friend.

Lydia opens the door, and flop unladylike on a bed face first. Stiles chuckles, drops their luggage, and flops next to her. "Beware the witches." Stiles whispers in a vain attempt to sound Irish, and Lydia chuckles into her pillow. He brushes the hair out of her face, and he catches the brief fond look she gives him.

"I am exhausted." Lydia mumbles, and Stiles hums in agreement. He really is tired. The flight was tiring, and Lydia was upset about the break up. Stiles hated when his friends were upset, but it was even worst when it was Lydia because she was so collected all the time.

"Let's go sightseeing later, yeah?" Stiles asks, his eyes already closing and he takes Lydia's soft snores as agreement.


When Stiles wakes up the first thing he notices is that Lydia isn't in the room, and it is still dark outside. He digs in his bag for his toothpaste and brush, and goes to the bathroom. Lydia isn't there, and he brushes his teeth. He comes back out and looks for a note from her despite the fact that they never separated on vacations.

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