You and I Collide (Mature Content)

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Greetings, Stalers! This one shot was requested by TheThingInYourCloset, and it's angst then smut then fluff! Enjoy my babes!!!


        Derek stares at his watch for yet another time this evening, and he stares around at the restaurant trying to see if his boyfriend of almost two years has finally come in. Stiles is almost always late, but Derek figured that for a special occasion Stiles would put in an effort to be here on time. Derek sighs before his phone buzzes and he checks to see that it is a text from Stiles asking if Derek can come home so that they can talk.

            Derek stands before getting his coat and making his way out of the restaurant while a nervous feeling eats at his belly while he gets in his car. Derek tries to think about what Stiles could possible want to talk about. Sure, they fight like any other couple but sometimes their fights turn into screaming match that leads to them ignoring each other for days. Derek nervously bites at his lip before he pulls into the loft.

            Everything that had been going differently with Derek and Stiles these last few weeks, Derek was even thinking about popping the question, so he was hoping that maybe it was good news. Then again, Stiles forgot an important dinner date so Derek wasn’t sure anymore. Derek slams the car door, and he jogs up the steps to get inside.

            “Stiles?” Derek calls, and he finds that his loft feels empty for some reason. He takes a deep breath in, and can smell the scent of anxiety and a hint of anger in the air that has to be coming from Stiles. Derek really doesn’t understand what is going on with Stiles, and he hopes that Stiles is going to try and talk it out before he does anything reckless or anything.

            “In here.” Stiles calls, and Derek huffs before walking into the direction of the living room where Stiles is placing in front of the living room with his hands on hips. Derek feels a flash of anger go through him because Stiles obviously forgot about their date which was so important for Derek.

            “Have you been here the whole night?” Derek accuses, and Stiles just looks at him like he doesn’t know what he was talking about.

            “Where else would I be? I live here too.” Stiles says, and a dam inside of Derek threatens to burst. Stiles obviously has no idea that he has missed so many important things in these past few weeks he has been acting out against Derek.

            “We had a date, Stiles.” Derek grits out, and Stiles looks at him in surprise before causal shrugging his shoulders like he has no idea what Derek is talking about. Derek can hear his heart racing and he figures that it is because Stiles can sense the confrontation coming. Derek can’t believe what is happening, and he has no idea why Stiles is acting so cold towards him. “What the fuck is up with you?” Derek snarls, and Stiles stops pacing long enough to stare at him with disbelieving stare.

            “Me? What the fuck is up with you?” Stiles retorts, and Derek scoffs bitterly because Stiles always tries to turn thing over on him.

            “Stop with the fucking games, Stiles!” Derek yells, and Stiles glares at him. “You’ve been like this for a month. You pick a fight with me over every single thing, and I am tired of it.” Derek says, and Stiles is breathing so heavy that Derek is sort of surprised he hasn’t passed out yet.

            “You’re really trying to blame this on me? Seriously. You think I’m the one with the fucking problem? This is all you, Derek.” Stiles says, and Derek feels his eyes turn slightly read as he tries to control his anger.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now