And a Kid Makes Three

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Hello! Stale here (who else would it be?) This is just a one shot to get you all through the weekend. I am working on requests, and hopefully I'll get along to writing another part to FT&NM


"Here I go! Jogging all alone because my husband hates me." Stiles says, as he slides to the door with his hand around his IPod. Derek doesn't even look at his husband from where he is sitting down at his desk.

"Jogging all alone because your husband is working." Derek retorts, and Stiles snorts loudly.

"You're starting to turn into a recluse author, honey." Stiles says, and Derek finally looks up from his laptop.

"I'm already one. You're starting to turn in a fitness junky. Is this because Parrish beat you in the obstacle course at work?" Derek asks, and Stiles shudders at the memory. Stiles is one of the best deputies at Beacon County's Sheriff's department, but the newest deputy had managed to out run Stiles during a training session.

"Of course not, Derek. I am not a child who cannot handle defeat." Stiles argues, and Derek gives a look of disbelief. Stiles huffs before he stalks into Derek's office to give him a smacking kiss on the lips.

"I love you." Derek says, going back to writing and Stiles sighs loudly as he closes the door.

"I love you more. I'll be back in about hour, I'm just going to jog on the sideway." Stiles says, and Derek nods. Stiles decides he needs to leave now if he wants to get back before it gets dark since Derek is uncomfortable with him jogging at night even with the street lamps. Derek makes a noise that he heard and he goes to writing after he looks out the window to watch Stiles jog down their driveway. He smiles fondly and shakes his head when Stiles almost slips before he goes back to writing.


Stiles is in the middle of changing the song, Derek tries to sneak his indie music on Stiles IPod and it drives Stiles insane, when he hears something. Stiles slows down to a brisk walk when he hears it again. It sounds like muffled banging, and Stiles becomes alarmed. He is the middle of the suburb like neighborhood that connects to road beside his and Derek's house. Stiles stops completely when he hears it again, and he turns to see an old looking car by the side of the sideway.

Stiles carefully approaches the car just like he would in standard protocol. He doesn't see again, but the house the car is parked in front of has a light on. Stiles approaches the back of the car, and he hears the noise again.

Someone was in the trunk.

Stiles springs into action, and he uses caution as he creeps towards the driver side door making sure his body was hidden by the car. He checks to see if the door is unlocked, it is, and he pops the button to open the trunk. When he flees back to the trunk he isn't prepared for what he sees.

It's a child.

A boy to be exact, and he cannot be more than six or seven. He is shaking so hard, it's barely fifty degrees outside, and Stiles doesn't think before he reaching for him. The boy flinches as far back away from Stiles as he can in the crowded trunk. "Hey, hey. I'm a good guy, okay? I'm going to get you out of here and keep you safe, okay?" Stiles says, gently but the boy doesn't look like he trust Stiles. Stiles hears movement from the house, and he grabs the boy. The kid makes a squeak of protest, but he's so light that no matter he thrashes Stiles isn't going to drop him.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now