A Pirate's Life For Me

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Prince!Stiles and Captain!Derek

      Derek is in his private chambers of his ship planning the raid of the Royal Navy’s ship when it’s scheduled to leave port in the next few days, and they will meet it when it gets closer to them. He has his crew, led by his second in command Boyd,  cleaning up the deck. Derek does this mostly so his crew has something to do with their energy and time before they make the raid because he knows that they’ve restless with anticipation.

He turns in his chair to watch the waves the that rock the ship up and down in a gentle way, and he sighs. Derek must admit the life of a pirate was not one that he would have chosen had he not lost his parents and suddenly had two sisters to care for. His eldest one, Laura, was already married, and he had personally made sure her betrothed knew that his sister was directly related to most feared men of all the seven seas and it would be wise to treat Laura as a queen.

Derek’s plans are more thought out than most, and he prides himself in the ability to get on the ship, steal everything valuable, and leave before his crew gets hurt.  He feels a rush of pride at the thought of his crew. They were the best from all around, and could steal with their eyes closed not to mention the loyalty they had to Derek. He knew that he could count on Boyd to lead his crew were something to happen to him, and he trusts the man with his life.

He turns his attention back to his plans after his little break, and he really needs to focus but he knows what needs to be done. Derek didn’t earn the title of “Hale Hound” by politely asking for the ships treasure, and he did his best to keep the title. Derek was fair as well. He gave the other captain a chance to get him just give him the money, and no one would get hurt. Granted, most of the time they didn’t listen but Derek always gave them the chance.

“Captain?” Derek hears the knock on his door. Derek turns his attention to see Erica Reyes respectfully knocking on the door. Erica was one of his best fighters, mainly because foolish men underestimated her. He would often send her in first to lead the men off of his trail before the others arrived. She, Cora, and the doctor, Lydia, where the only woman on board.

“Erica.” Derek says as an invitation to come in. Erica gives him a smile before waltzing in and she sneaks a peak at his maps while standing on the other side of the desk.

“There is an unknown object on the starboard side. We think it is a life boat, but we don’t see anything.” Erica says, and Derek sighs while standing up.

“Let’s have a look, then.” Derek says, and he follows Erica outside into the sunlight. It wasn’t as hot today as it had been, since they were currently sailing off the coast of Spain on their way back to England to meet the royal guard. The man salute him when he comes on deck, and he waves them away. “What is this?” Derek asks Boyd.

Boyd jerks his head to the side of the ship, and Derek takes the telescope from him to look to the side to see a small raft floating towards him. Derek makes a humming noise because he doesn’t see anything in it. “Wait till it floats closer to the ship. It’s probably nothing.” Derek says, and the crew nods. Derek goes back into his office because it would take the raft a while to float closer to them.


“Derek!” Derek hears, and he snaps his neck up because only one person calls him Derek, and that is his sister. Derek quickly makes his way on deck, and the crew salute before he makes his way to his sister.

“Cora?” Derek says, and she waves him over to the edge of the ship. “What is it?” Derek asks, and Cora points over the edge of the boat. Erica is standing the raft, and she is holding a blanket.

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