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*Kendall's P.O.V*
Kelly came back from wherever she went to with her grey vest top on and black leggings on and she came home with a big smile on her face and thats unusual because she wasn't like that yesterday, I was thinking to myself, what is she smiling about? What on the Earth is going on here?
Me: "Kendra you'll never guess what's happened today?"
Kendall: "Your still doing stunt work?"
Me: "Hell no, I'm starting to wrestle"
My face was dropping to the floor when I found out that Kelly was training to be a female wrestler, I mean what if she gets signed to WWE and her path doesn't go right?
Kendall: "Are you really sure about this?"
Me: "Yes, I want to make you proud!"
Kendall: "Well Good Luck at that one sis, I wish you nothing but the best, girl"
Me: "Thanks"
Kendall: "Your welcome"
Ok I wasn't liking the idea of my sister starting to wrestle because I only came into the wrestling business to yes be a wrestler but to prove that women can do anything they ever wanted, I always have driven to make an impact in WWE but something wasn't right, obviously she doesn't understand my reasons for leaving.
I love my sister and I wish her the best of luck at whatever she does but I only hope that she doesn't land in the same path as I did.
Me: "I will make you proud of me Kendra, I promise"
Kendall: "I know you will"
I say I know that she would to keep her spirits up and to never give up on what she believes in, She is scared of letting me down because I'm the person she looks up to but I like her chances she is taking, I like that she is taking a risk all just to prove me wrong.
For months on end Kelly made it to training and God so far I'll admit, I was a little wrong about that girl but she hasn't done enough to make me think that I'm making a mistake, she is a hard worker, back as a kid she never really took interest into sports like I used to, she's a girly girl but I admire her gut and determination when she came into do MMA training and kick boxing.
Kendall: "You are good, you do work for what you want but so far it's only been 1 month, you've now got 11 months to change my mind Kel"
Me: "I will win Kendra, don't you worry"
Kelly did a lot of heavy lifting and she even did her own house work and that impressed me a lot, at the moment we are in are little home of Denver Colorado and it's still not to late for Kelly to be noticed by any wrestling company.
Kendall: "So how is the training?"
Me: "Getting there, well crushing it like what you say"
Kendall: "Good, Good to hear"
There was still loads of time and it's Kelly against time really, I don't think I'll ever change my mind. However I do have a lot of faith in my little sister, we've watched each other grow and maybe she was that inspired by me she probably thought maybe that's what I'll do but I don't know about this, anyway if she believes that she is making the right choice then I'll let it be, I won't ruin anything for her.
I was thinking too, what if this is the perfect opportunity for my sister to be a big star in the future? What if this is really her moment? Should  I let this happen if she loves it? Or should I stop her if she's gonna hate it? No because it's a fact of life, everyone has got an opinion about something no matter what it is that she wants or needs, even if it's what she believes in.

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