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Until the next 3 months.....
I was about to go out with my sisters and Mother and Randy stopped me for a minute and I was wondering what was going on? It was half way through the day and am wondering why is he doing this?
Me: "Randy you are scaring me, what do you want?"
Randy: "I'm sorry if I'm wasting your time"
(About to walk away)
Me: "Your not wasting my time, I just want to know what is going on? Why are you doing this?"
Randy: "Kelly it's nothing that bad"
Me: "It's not?"
Randy: "No but there's something I need your answer to"
Me: "Ok. What is it?"
I was getting really worried but all this time it was nothing to worry about after all, All this time he wanted to know if I wanted to be his wife which was a really nice surprise for me.
Randy: "Will you marry me?"
Me: "Yes"
I just know that my life is gonna get a thousand times, it was a really nice surprise for me and I don't know how I feel the best way to describe this would be on top of the world and He was right I don't need the big fish to make me happy.
(I spent a little time with Randy before I got to the club and there was my family, my sisters and Mom) 
Me: "Mom, sisters, I'm here"
Kendall: "What took you so long?"
Me: "Well I'm gonna get on to that story right now"
Mrs. Smith: "Well are you gonna tell us?"
Me: "Do you really wanna know?"
Sister 1: "Just tell us"
Me: "Ok Randal asked me to marry him today"
Mrs. Smith: "Aw What did you say?"
Me: "Well Mom the ring on my finger says it all"
Mrs. Smith: "One of my little girls is getting married, I can't believe it"
For once in my life people are happy for me, when I was flirting with Dean and John everyone was going on about how I will never have the one if I was chasing other guys but I listened and met the right one and I'm happy about it now.
Kendall: "Hopefully this will be it for you"
Me: "I know, let's hope no one gets in the way of us"
Mrs. Smith: "Who could possibly get in your way?"
Me: "Kim"
Sister 2: "Kim?"
Me: "Yeah Randal's Ex Fiancé"
Kendall: "Kelly I swear to God be careful"
Me: "Why are people doing this?"
Kendall: "Because we care"
Me: "I know you do but I know the concequences I'm not a Kid anymore"
Kendall: "I know your not but we know what jealous exes can do"
I mean the worst thing she can do is break myself and Randy up but it ain't happening, she won't do it, I will do everything in my power to stop her from ruining this for me.

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