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I tried my new ring gear on because tonight I make my first wrestling match and it's not televised, I face Sasha Banks in a match with Alexa Bliss as the special guest referee.
I look in the mirror, then I look at the picture of my sister with that very similar ring gear on and it shocked me, I look just like her in that attire.
The Match is underway and all Sasha did was move from one side of the ring to another so I couldn't get her but there was one thing that Sasha was forgetting, Alexa Bliss is the referee so she freely let me beat her and Sasha was shocked and she got me quite a few times, I gets people chanting my name "Let's go K- Skye, Let's go K-Skye, Let's go K- Skye".
Something made me think and I came to my senses to use the SkyeHook and I got my first win in my first wrestling match, if it would of been a normal referee then I would of lost and I know it.
I returned home and Kendall knew I had my first wrestling match today so she asked about it.
Kendall: "So what happened in your match against Sasha?"
Me: "I won!"
Kendall: "Yes, that's brilliant sis!"
Me: "Yes I know"
Then I got a text saying that Sasha has requested another match against me and this time with a normal referee, anyway I know what I'm doing this time.

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