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*Katie's P.O.V*
This is the first night I ever stayed at my Man's house and Alanna is the one of the sweetest girls ever, I played with her and had time to take to know her and she enjoys my company, this is some bonding I need.
Randy: "How are you getting on?"
Me: "Great, Alanna I have to talk to your Dad for a second"
I walked out of the room and Alanna's face turned a little sad, I really think she needs a play buddy, However my biggest fear is my family and Randy's family put together, what if it doesn't turn out good? If I ever met Samantha I know it will go a thousand times wrong, I wouldn't really say or do anything but it's the fear.
Randy: "Kel, I want you to meet my family"
Me: "Ohhh k"
Randy: "Why do scared?"
Me: "I don't know.... It's just the fear"
Randy: "Honestly, nothing bad will happen, I won't let it happen"
Me: "Ok, I'll be honoured"
I was honest when I say it because I wanna prove that I'm not scared and I wanna try my best, no one liked me awhile back when I started the company but I know that they will give me s chance and if it doesn't work out with his parents and me then it's oh well.... Move on at least I can say I tried and met them half way.
Overall Alanna is a loving child and deserves lots more and less drama and it must have been terrible for Randy to divorce Samantha 2 years ago now he has me and I promise myself for that young girl's sake and my own that I will never let Randy down.

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