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*Katie's P.O.V*
I made my entrance, Paige made her's. She is one embarrassment, she has shown her true colours the moment she got jealous of Charlotte, Nattie and everyone else for being successful, everything has been about her and AJ for 2 years and that is wrong.
People said to me that it will never work out for me and I will come up as nothing in the wrestling business, my sister left the company for a year now and she tells me that it will never work but this is the moment to stand up and prove her wrong.
After them all saying it wouldn't work, I tried my best and I had will power and I never gave up, she was about to put me into the PTO but I got out of it and I hit the Skye hook (Kick to the head) and got her 1...2...3 and that's all she wrote.
Eden: "Here's your winner and new Divas Champion Katie Skye!"
Michael Cole was actually glad that I won and Paige lost because Paige treated him like crap too, she spoke to him as if he was a piece of crap but to be honest Paige wasn't always my enemy, at one point back at NXT she was actually my friend taught me somethings what she knew.
I just expected better from her but no, it went wrong for her and her title reign number 3 didn't last so long like her second one.
Me: "I told you Randy"
Randy: "So you can handle it, I guess"
Me: "There's no guess about it, I won"
Randy: "I'm so glad that you proved us wrong, I didn't think you could do it"
Me: "Randy? What do you mean us?"
Randy: "Kendra..."
I had no idea that my sister was watching too I really couldn't believe it, that was a nice surprise indeed, I'n so happy, We hugged and she said she loves what she is doing now but she wishes she could of done it my way... The Katie Skye way in my case the only way I could've done it.
I feel like tonight I actually did fight like a champion, I feel like a champion after that and to me that's all that counts.

Skye Falling For The Viper Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora