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*Katie's P.O.V*
I remembered the Photoshoot and everything, I'm not brain dead but I'm glad that he came back to me, I was gonna give him a second chance too and I am truly grateful for the friends I have and the life I have, I proved myself wrong, I thought I was never gonna find some who truly loves me, all I ever did was chase after men who truly never cared in the first place but that has now changed and I never thought I would see it coming.
Randy: "I saw your photos, they are amazing, your beautiful"
Me: "Thank you"
Randy: "Your welcome now let's focus on this and get little one out"
I smiled brightly and I had to push now and as soon as all the screaming was over it was a most exciting moment for me.
Midwife: "It's A Boy!"
She said and Alanna was waiting outside with Alena and she's waiting just to find out what her fate is, now she knows, Randy came out and told her she is a big sister to a baby boy and the name is official his name is gonna be Robert and my miracle happened, I always wanted a family and now it's possible, as a matter of fact it's not possible it actually happened. 
I can't actually believe that it is a reality, It's wonderful, a wonderful dream come true. Also as for Kim well she can go and twitch somewhere else now, Randy is mine, My life is perfect and my life changed for the better.
Nothing else matters more, what matters to me the most is my family, my new family and the ones I love, also my friends, I won't change anything now for the world and I'm glad that I'm a Mother now because something actually does define me as a person in this world.
I'n so happy, it's like a Christmas miracle and it doesn't happen to people who need it that's the bad part but the good part is it can happen for anyone and it never happens that much but it happens and I'm glad that the miracle came to me, I was a let down but I changed my life as soon as I learnt that it wasn't about the money or to be popular with my one million dollar dresses or body, it's about having a wonderful family and being somewhere I would like to call home, Speaking of home I can't wait to take Robert home. Home for the first time ever.

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