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*Katie's P.O.V* (Again)
My friends keep telling me that I've made a big mistake going into WWE, people laughed at the other Skye twin before she even got into the business.
I was an absolute laughing stock but I wasn't gonna sit back and watch everyone else win, I wasn't gonna back down, not now not ever.
Joanne: "It's no use, you won't win"
Me: "You wanna know something Jo? Practice makes perfect and I will be perfect"
Joanne: "I still think you've made a silly mistake"
Me: "Say that all you want"
Joanne: "People are laughing at you, just quit!"
My choices even lead my friends into hating me, well bearing in mind I personally think that they are not my friends at all.
If they were my real friends then they would support me, anyway I sprinted the beach while it was sunset and it was getting late, I had to get ready for tomorrow and another stroll.
My Sister is on the phone......
Me: "Hello?"
Kendall: "Where are you Kel?"
Me: "On a sunset stroll, I'll be back now"
Kendall: "Ok, I was just timing you"
Me: "It's a good job you are too"
Kendall: "I care about and I love you"
Me: "You too"
Kendall: "Bye"
Me: "Bye"
Phone call Ends
Me: "Oh shit!"
I ran to get to my house and surprisingly I was on time to change and go to get some beauty sleep.
The Next morning was the same issue....
I went to get work done so I'm not unhealthy and I'm completely fit to get on tv already.
Kendall: "Morning Kel"
Me: "Morning K"
Kendall: "Where are you going at this time of the morning?"
Me: "Just the gym, I'll be back here soon, I promise"
Kendall: "Well, ok"
I went the gym and I walked along the beach rather than sprint, eventually I got home and I was out of breath already, my heart was pounding every second and I felt like I made a lot of effort today.
Kendall: "Well was it good today?"
Me: "Yes but it takes a lot of effort, hey K, do you think I'm making a mistake?"
Kendall: "Well it's not about what I think, it's about weather you have made the right choice or not"
Then I thought about it and I wanted to give it a go and see what happens, if I get let go then I'm let go, that doesn't bother me what so ever.
Me: "I think I'll give it a go"
Kendall: "That's the right attitude to have"
I was getting the right idea of it already but I know my aims and all I need to do is grab opportunities like this by both hands and not just by one, by one it could easily slip out of my hand.

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