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*Katie's P.O.V*
After so many hard weeks of training, my dream finally came true, I got told something that I've  never been told before, I'm actually so excited.
My personal trainer told me that WWE/NXT wants me to work with them and I was so over the moon to hear about it, I just couldn't wait to tell Kendra the big news and I no longer have to lie.
Me: "Kendra, something amazing has happened to me today"
Kendall: "What is it sis?"
Me: "I've been signed into WWE/NXT"
Kendall: "What? Shut up!"
Me: "Really it's all true, I'm taking this in and I'm gonna give this a try for what it's worth"
Kendall: "You go girl, good on you"
I feel that Kendra is is feeling a little bit of a regret but I feel like I need to push it until it falls off the cliff, that's how far I want to get. I know how much her fans loved and probably still do love her but if people are gonna love her then people will love me, at the end of the day I'm the new Skye's The Limit Lady.
Until the very next day.....
I got up out of bed after my alarm went off and I made my way to the airport but before that any sister Kendra had something to say to me before travelling the whole of the untied states or possibly the whole world.
Kendall: "I'm so proud of you already but please make me prouder, good luck and give this your best shot for me"
Me: "I will don't worry, I love you sis"
Kendall: "I love you too"
We gave each other a massive hug and when I left Kendra behind me I started to cry because I'm gonna be away for so long, if I make the main roster ever then it will take a long time to get back home to see her again, I'm no longer in a vest top and jeans every Summer, I'll be in normal clothes, I'd do anything to prove Kendra wrong and she knows it, I won't stop until she says the words "You were right, I made a mistake".
I got to my destination and I realised, things were different to where I used to work, I used to work in a cage, I used to have my hair ripped out half of the time but now is more gentle and now is the time to put my game face on and face the upcoming challenges ahead of me.
"Girl go in there and teach them girls who the future number 1 diva will be!"
Sara: "Hello there Kelly, you must be Kendall's sister? Well I'm Sara Amato and I'm gonna be your trainer with other NXT Divas ok?"
Me: "Yes I'm Kendall's sister, ok others are gonna fear"
Sara: "Why did you come to WWE/NXT today?"
Me: "To prove to my Sister that quitting the WWE was the biggest mistake of her life"
Sara: "Ok, let's hope you become a WWE Diva after the next 2 years"
Me: "Ok"
Sara: "Good luck"
Me: "Thank you"
Sara: "Ready to start now?"
Me: "Bring it on"
Sara smiles at me and she knows that for me this isn't gonna be easy, I'm starting from scratch and I'm going in to prove my sister wrong, the true question is can I do that? Can I prove to her that she shouldn't of come home? Well we will see.

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