Chapter 30

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Niall grumbled and held onto her waist and pulled her back into the bed. His eyes were closed and he was in a grumpy mood. She had just turned off the alarm that had set off so that she could get up to get to work. Kol had scheduled a meeting with her staff that was in the higher positions. She needed to get updates on current projects so that she could approve them or not.

“Five more minutes,” he said. “Stay in bed with me.”

“Can’t, leprechaun,” she said, kissing his forehead. His face was still grumpy, and he refused to open his eyes. He kept a tight hold on her waist as he buried his face on her shoulder.


“Don’t be clingy,” she said, yawning. It was too early and she was still tired.

“Fine,” he said, his voice sounding like he was making a pout. “Enjoy your day at work then.”

He rolled over on his side. It really didn’t take long before he fell asleep again.

It was a normal routine for Kol to get up early in the morning. She went down to get some breakfast, which usually consisted of a bowl of granola, some green tea and a bunch of fruits. She made sure to cook a meal for Niall though, since he got cranky when he didn’t get to eat. He didn’t like breakfast that was like hers. He liked to bite into some meat and fattening greasy stuff. It was pretty easy to cook things that only required frying.

After getting some breakfast, she had a quick shower. Picking out her clothes weren’t that difficult, since her closet was full of different kinds. They both got so much free stuff. It was ridiculous. They laid it out in a part of the closet though, so that they wouldn’t forget to wear them at least once. That was the point in sending them free stuff. It was free advertising for the brand.

Kol couldn’t wear too many butch looks, especially since she had meetings a lot. She had to look professional and presentable all the time. The only times that she could borrow Niall’s clothes was during her free days, when she could prioritize comfort and even wear some of Niall’s high tops.

His feet were larger than hers by about two sizes, since she was only a size 7-8 for women. She wore several layers of socks just so that the shoes wouldn’t slip out while she was walking.

Kol went on autopilot mode when she was driving. It was pretty much a normal day.

That was until she got to the office. She got to the assigned room where they were going to have the meeting. She went in and sat at the head. Some people were still chatting and getting some coffee from the machine. Kol liked to make the office as homey as possible. She didn’t want depressed workers.

The meeting ensued at 10AM, just like planned.

When they got to their plans about the launching of her men’s line, she asked her marketing team about what they thought up.

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