Chapter 8

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“I think this is the worst we’ve ever seen you,” Harry said as he leant his head on the back of the chair that he straddled.

“Don’t be insensitive,” Louis said, hitting him lightly on the back of his head.

“I know. I look like shit, don’t I Harry?” Kol said. “It’s not any worse than you while you’re sleeping though.”

“Oh!” The guys hollered at the burn, while Harry smiled at her impishly, as if saying ‘I’m going to get back at your for that one of these days’.

“Why are you dehydrated anyway?” Harry continued. “You’ve been drinking, may I add, quite heavily, these days.”

“Well we’ve got a genius in our midst,” Zayn said sarcastically. “She’s been drinking alcohol, Harry, not water.”

“A drink’s still a drink to me.”

“We’re going to get some tea, yeah, lads?” Liam said, standing up and following Louis out the door.

Zayn put his chin in his hands near Kol’s palms. “You really know how to make things eventful when you visit. D’you know that?”

“It’s not like I mean to. It just happens when I’m around you guys, so it might just be your fault, not mine. It’s all these accents hovering around.”

“And now she blames our accents,” Zayn said in amusement, glancing up at the other lads. “I think when you fainted, some of the logic got knocked out of your head.”

“I blame the English and Irish that have been surrounding me,” Kol joked. There was a fair share of Irishmen on the crew as well, so Niall wasn’t alone on that. “I was perfectly fine before I moved to London.”

“Now that’s just mean,” Zayn said, grinning. “We’ve been nothing but welcoming to you. I do believe that you have gift packages sent until now.”

“That’s for Niall.”

“No, shorty. I’m given food most of the time. The gifts are from guys this time around, and a few gay guys with very good interior design taste. That one I’m not sure if mine or yours.”

“I haven’t gone around to actually opening any of them when you left,” she told Niall. “The food packages are coming in handy though. I haven’t gone to the grocer’s because I’ve been living off those food baskets.”

“Aren’t all those either fruits or preservatives? That’s not very healthy lifestyle, Kov,” Zayn said.

“Not all of them. I know those things are pretty pricey, and there are even some with bottles of wine in them.”

“I bet you finished that off quick,” Harry joked.

“It wasn’t any good wine,” Kol complained.

They had all visited the day after, since Paul wouldn’t allow them all to see her after the show. He had only let Niall, because Paul knew the man would do something stupid to see her if he didn’t let him out after the show. Paul said that it would cause too much fuss and it would be more trouble for Kol when she was just recovering.

She was looking considerably better now, and she had a ton of get well cards at her bedside, from the fans who had passed it on through the boys as they went out of their hotel earlier. The fans weren’t stupid. They could guess that they would eventually see Kol anyway, even if they didn’t know that they were heading directly to her.

Some person at the hospital probably gossiped that she was checked in here, and it got leaked within a few hours.

There would be a lot of assumptions and rumors going around of course. They didn’t read many articles about them, really, since there were a lot. Kol could guess that there were a lot of speculations out about her hospitalization. Maybe she was anorexic or stressed or drug overdosed or something. That’s what the articles would say, when it was just a basic case of dehydration.

“Did you get to sneak me in a ciggy?” Kol whispered to Zayn.

Zayn looked up at her doubtfully. “I got your text, but I don’t think that’s the brightest idea right now.”

“It won’t do any harm. I’ve got sustenance strapped to me.” She raised her left arm, which had the IV attached to her hand wrist.

“Niall!” Zayn called and Kol glared at him. “Your girl wants me to hand her a few of my cigarettes.”


Zayn shrugged and grinned. “Hey, only doing what’s best for you, babe.”

“You’re getting addicted to that, Kol,” Niall said sternly. “The occasional one like Zayn does is fine, but your habitual ones by the hour are bothering me.”

“It calms me down. You know that.”

“I’m going to go see what Haz is up to,” Zayn said, sensing that this was a conversation not meant for him to hear.

“I can stop anytime I want,” Kol pouted.

“You asked my mate for a ciggy from a hospital bed,” Niall said slowly, staring at her. “I don’t think that’s behavior that can stop any old time you want.”

“It’s the only thing that can calm me down recently,” Kol said reasonably. “Being stuck in a hospital hasn’t exactly been the most relieving thing that has happened to me. Paul hasn’t even been around for a chat since he’s been coordinating with hospital security.”

“You’re different. You’re not well. Your temper’s been very short these days. You’re getting too skinny, and you’re not doing anything to get the weight back. You’ve been smoking or drinking, and you’ve been taking pills now. When did that even start to happen? You weren’t like this when we met, Kol. You were healthy, intelligent, witty and happy. You ate just as much as any boy, and worked out to keep fit, not starve yourself.”

Kol didn’t reply, because Niall was right. She didn’t want to make a scene with Zayn, and Harry in the room though. In no time, Liam and Lou would be back as well. Josh, Jon, Sandy and Dan wanted to visit too, but the hospital was already bending the rules with the amount of visitors allowed in the room, as well as having to worry about the fans and paparazzi waiting outside the place. The other boys from the band would be visiting later, when the others had left to do an interview or some such thing that didn’t require their presence.

She glanced at the others, who seemed to be joking about in their corner of the room, and wished she could join in. They seemed to be utterly clueless what was conspiring between her and Niall.

“You’ve been too tolerant with me, Nialler,” she said fondly, her voice softening as she realized that she needed to get back to her old self. All the work and fame had stressed her out and she didn’t even know that she had unconsciously been handling it badly. “I’ll get better. I promise.”

She laughed randomly though. “I do admit that I rolled up a few when a friend of mine came over. Old times. I put up a fight, but I couldn’t resist.”

Niall smiled. “As long as you didn’t do anything stupid.”

“Well that was the only time that I actually ate a lot.”

“We might probably need more of that stuff then.”

“There’s a person I know who can get me some as long as I just call…”

“Don’t push it, shorty.”


Happy that I get to update at least once a week :) Been so busy and tired these past few days, and probably will be since it's the Christmas season. Hope you're all doing well!

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