Ray x Reader - Black Blood (P1)

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Pre: Humans start out at birth with milk-white blood. The more crimes they commit, the darker their blood becomes.


I was sitting in the library reading when I noticed what time it was. I had to get 'home'. I really didn't have a home, but just stayed in one of the trees in the thick forest. If I stayed out in the open too late, I would risk meeting the Black Bloods. The Black Bloods were the worst of all. They had committed so many crimes that their blood was as black as a raven's feather. They only wandered the streets at night, when the sky was as dark as their blood.

Me, on the other hand, had cream-colored blood. It was darker than when I was a young child of course (no one my age still had pure blood) but was quite light for my age. I wouldn't consider myself a 'goody two shoes' but I was very good. I never stole or went against people's word. Unlike most of them who did just that.

I checked out the novel I had started reading at the front desk and began my walk 'home'. The sky was darkening quickly, and I was becoming scared. By this time they would be coming out. I walked quicker. If I looked scared they would know I was vulnerable, but I just wanted to hurry up and get home.

Sweat began to form around my hairline as I felt an odd feeling in my stomach. The feeling you get when you are being watched. I bit my lip and began to walk faster, but a strong hand clasped over my mouth stopping me in my tracks.

By this point, I was trying not to cry. Whoever was behind me began to drag me into a dark alley. The sun was now fully over the horizon, and it was becoming pitch black outside. It was too late.

He flipped me around to face him and I saw he was accompanied by three other menacing-looking men. I began to whimper as they advanced on me. The one who had pulled me into the alley was smiling. He was tall with black hair and a leather jacket. "Good catch, Mikey," said the one with long, greasy black hair, also grinning.

My body was obviously shaking as I continued to whimper. So much for making myself not seem vulnerable.

A heavily tattooed shorter man approached me. "Now," he said, as he backed me into the wall. "What is someone like you doing out so late?" he gave me a mischievous smile as my back hit the brick wall. The men had made a semi-circle around me; the brick wall covering my back.

"I-I was... I was at-t the... at the..." I couldn't even get the words out for I was trembling so hard.

"What?" said the tallest man who had thick, curly hair. "Cat got your tongue?"

Tears began to fall down my face as they all laughed. "Come on," the tall one who had grabbed me said. "You're coming with us." He grasped my hand and began to walk me to a car at the end of the alley I had not seen before.

They pushed me into the car and all got in. I was next to the curly haired one and the greasy haired one. "What's in the bag?" said the curly haired one slyly. My eyes widened. I began to stutter again, causing all four men to laugh. I wouldn't let him know this, but everything I owned was in that bag. As I said, I wasn't the richest of all people.

The tattooed on in the driver's seat drove for about what I thought was ten minutes until he stopped. "Everyone out," he ordered. "Ray, take the girl."

I grabbed my backpack while the curly haired one grabbed my hand roughly as the one who was apparently named Mikey followed behind to make sure I didn't try to run. "No funny business," he had warned. 

W.c: 686 words



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