Ray x Reader - Cancer

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"Ray," I began, not able to make eye contact with him. "I don't know h-how to say... how to say this but... I-I have cancer."

A look of shock filled his eyes, but it was quickly replaced with a look of sorrow. "Y/n," he said, as the tears spilled over my eyes. "We'll get through this. I promise."


I slowly made my way down the stairs. The chemo was making me very tired recently, so Ray was happy to hear that I was taking him up on his offer to visit him while he was at work. He and the rest of the My Chemical Romance members had been recording these past few weeks, and I was rarely able to see him.

I got down the stairs, and pulled my jacket over my frail frame. I pulled a black beanie over my bald head, and walked into the cool, autumn air. I entered my car and began to drive to the music studio.

As I passed everything around me, I realized the sheer beauty of the universe. The sparkle of the multicolored fall leaves that glistened from the sun reflecting off of the thin layer of dew, the green grass, the buzz of life all around me...

I guess that's just how you think when you're so close to dying.

The chemotherapy was working for me, but a lot slower than average. Because of this, it put me at a higher risk of death. It was scary for Ray and I, to think that one day it might just stop working all together, or something would change, and I would just disappear.

I pulled into the small parking lot of the recording studio. I got out of my car and inhaled the fresh air. Locking the car door, I entered the building, immediately heading toward the stairs. I walked down them, to be greeted with the sight of Ray sitting on comfortable-looking bench in the hallway. "Y/n" he cheered. "You made it! How are you?"

"Alright," I replied in a raspy voice, pulling him in for a quick kiss. He took my hand, and lead me a bit further down the hallway to a door. He opened it to reveal Gee, Frank, Mikey, Lindsey, Jamia, and Kristin. They all smiled widely, giving me greetings. I smiled tiredly, yet caringly, back.

"What's with the whole ensemble?" I asked quietly, to no one in particular. To that Frank laughed. Ray and I made out way over to a small couch on the side, each of us taking a cushion.

"We all just wanted to see you, and we did it here to keep it... casual? I guess if it was at someone's house it would feel to formal." Frank replied. This earned a chuckle from everyone.

"Speaking of," Mikey said. "How are you?"

I shrugged. "I've been better," I answered with a small smile. "The chemo is doing a toll on me, but I'm pulling through."

"Aww, babe," Lindsey cooed, giving me a side hug.

I sat as everyone around me chatted, changing the subject for my sake. But, I began to think, "what if I actually did die?", and, "what if this was my last day?". I squinted my eyes, trying to think of better things. But, it didn't work. "I would leave the love of my life, Ray, and everyone I've come to know...:

Everyone and myself didn't realize I was crying until I let out a sob. "Y/n? Y/n? Y/n, please don't cry. I-I know it's hard but p-please. The... the chemo is still w-working. You're doing so well... so, so well Y/n. Please, baby, I promise. It's g-going to be okay." Ray stuttered out, wiping my tears. I nodded, hugging him. Everyone else came around, giving me tight hugs as I slowly stood my crying.

I ended at Ray, looking deep into his eyes. Thinking about everything I saw today... the leaves, the trees, the sky... I was able to see them all in his eyes. But, I saw something else, too. Something I did not recognize.

But three years later, and now cancer-free, I realized it was hope.


And I knew, it would all turn out okay.




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