Frank x Reader - Matched

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So... this is the first chapter to my newer-ish book 'Little' which is a Frank x Reader. If you enjoyed it, on the date I published this, there are three chapters... so go check it out!


Tonight was the night. It was the night where all the people in town, aged eighteen and up, would gather to find their soulmate. It was something I was excited about, yet dreading. Although everyone knew there had never been a mistake before, I still worried I would be the first. I was a little and was terrified of being paired with someone menacing or tough. How could I fall in love with someone like that? What if they weren't someone who liked littles, or weren't a daddy or mommy?

I made my way down the narrow walkway to the town hall where everyone was filtering in. Being the little I was, I took a seat in the corner, trying to shrink away from everyone. The moderators of the gathering were going around, handing out the proper numbers to everyone. See, each person got a number, and their soulmate was matched with the same one. During the assembly, a moderator would stand at a podium and speak into the microphone, reading off numbers until everyone in the room was matched.

I continued to watch as more people came in. Gradually, the stream of people lessened, and I received my paper. I looked down at it. '(Y/n) - Number 62' it read.

I sat back in my chair as the reading of the numbers began. I sighed in anticipation and distress.


"Number 46!" the moderator called. Two men stood up, walking to the podium where another moderator checked to make sure they were correctly paired. I sniffled, looking down at my watch. I was tired, and my bedtime was soon.

The procession went on for a while longer until the moderator announced number 61. I perked up in apprehension, my hands a bit shaky. The second moderator checked the couple and verified it was correct.

"62!" The moderator declared. I stood up, body shaking as I made my way slowly to the podium. I got the second moderator's table, looking around to see no one moving to the front of the room.

"62?" The moderator questioned into the microphone. Everyone in the crowd shook their heads as murmurs ran through the room. This was the first predicament of the night.

I bit my lip, trying not to let the tears flow. I felt myself begin to retreat into Little Space. The murmurs got louder as a short man, dressed in all black, came to the table. "There must be a mistake," he snarled, glaring at me.

I felt myself shrink away from the intimidating man as both moderators checked the numbers. "Frank Iero?" the moderator questioned. "and Y/n?" I nodded, and the man did too. "This information is correct."

The man, Frank as I now knew him, turned to me slowly. "You're joking," he said, laughing a bit. "There's no way I'm with them! They're- they're dressed like a kid, and I... there's no way!"

"Sir," the moderator said. "This is correct. Sometimes people don't seem likely to get along but-"

Frank scoffed, grabbing my hand. "Let's go."

I yelped at the motion, not expecting him to move me so harshly. He dragged me outside to where I presume his car was. "Listen, I don't know who you are, but this," he said, motioning to my clothes "Isn't going to work for me."

He got into the car as the tears in my eyes finally spilled over my eyelids. "Are you getting in ow what?" he called from the driver's side. I rushed over to the passenger's side of the car and hopped in, attempting to quiet my sobs.

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