Mikey x Reader - I Don't Love You

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Tears streamed down my face. I could never, in a million years, understand why this had happened. I continued to drive down the road until I got the edge of a cliff. I parked my car and got out, letting the cool air hit my skin. I sighed. 


"I was at work!" I said, trying to keep calm even though I was extremely frustrated.

"I called your job!" he yelled, coming closer. They were closed. Do you hear that? C-L-O-S-E-D. Stop lying to me."

"Mikey, I wouldn't lie to you I-"

"Then where were you?" Tears began to fall down his face. 

"Mikey," I began, stepping forward. "I can't tell you it's a s-"

"Fine, if it's such a big secret, then just go be happy with him. I knew you were cheating on me."

"Mikey!" I choked out a sob. "I would never, I just... I-"

"Fix your eyes!" he screamed. "And get out!"

"Mikey p-"

"GET OUT!" he screamed coming forward. He turned my body around, as I shook with sobs. He pushed my body out the door, then slammed it behind me as he stepped back inside.

Yes, my job was closed. Well, my one job. My other job was open, and that's where I was. Mikey didn't know about my second job because I wanted to surprise him with a new bass, and I needed the money. So, I got a second job and told Mikey that I took up longer hours at my first job. 

I got into my car and began to drive, thinking. Mikey and I had been together for four whole years and married for a little over one of them. Our relationship was amazing. Of course, before this.
I breathed in the fresh air as I sat on a bench, overlooking the town. I looked over the hills, the houses, all of the life  going in below. It hit me in that moment how everyone had their own seperate life, going through seperate things, and being absolutely different.

I sat there for what felt like hours, but in reality was only about fifteen minutes. I had calmed down by now, and had decided that I should probably go back to Mikey's and my house to get some of my possessions. I figured I would be on my own for a while.

I got up from the bench, and got back into my car. Emotionless, I drove back to the small cottage and got my keys. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

Gerard was sitting on the couch, comforting a crying Mikey next to him. They both didn't see to notice me enter.

Which was good, because even if they did, I probably wouldn't have talked to them anyways.

I walked up the stairs and entered Mikey and my shared bedroom, grabbing a backpack, and getting necessities. After a few minutes, I was packed and ready to leave. I would be able to go about a week to two weeks with what I had in my bag, and that was plenty of time for me to find and check into a hotel, get food, and the such.

I was about to sneak out of the door when someone practically tackled me from behind.

"Y/n," Gerard commanded sternly. "Go talk to Mikey. Now."

"N-no." I said, worried to see his reaction. He grabbed my arm, being gentle but showing force, and lead me over to the couch. He put me the cushion right next to Mikey, who was still sobbing, and said, "talk."

"Y/n, I-I just can't believe you-you did this... I can't-"

"Mikey, I didn't do anything." I explained still quite confused as to why he was mad at me. "Listen. The... the truth is I wanted to get y-you something for your birthday, but I needed the money. I- I wanted to get... to get you that b-bass you wanted. So I got a second job. You called the one I wasn't at."

He looked at me. His eyes showed confusion, then they softened. "Y/n-"

"I'm sorry for lying," I cut him off. "I know it was wrong, but I wanted to surprise you. I didn't want it to end like this."

"Y/n, I'm so sorry.. please, please forgive me. I s-swear... I-"

I just shook my head, and leaned in gently kissing his lips and silencing him. "I know," I said. "It's... It's okay."

"I love you," he sobbed into my shoulder as I hugged him. I rubbed his back, comforting him. "I love you."

"I know. I love you too."



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