Mikey x Reader - Bath (P1)

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I trudged through the door of my house, tired, worn-down, and just overall done with everything. I had had an extremely treacherous day at work, and couldn't wait to spend time with my boyfriend, Mikey. I set my bags down near the doorway. "Y/n!" Mikey cheered, greeting me. "I have a surprise for you. A little bird told me you had a bad day at work, and I thought today would be a good day to do this."

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

"You'll see. Just put everything away and come upstairs." I obliged, nervous yet excited about what was going to happen. Some people would claim he was trying to surprise me with some type of "make your day better sex", but we were both aware that I was demisexual, and that sexual relations will not happen between us for a long time.

I put my work materials away and headed upstairs. I heard rustling near the bedroom and attempted to walk inside, but the handle was locked. "Mikey, is everything okay in there?"

"Yeah, just one more minute and I'll be finished," he called, his voice sounding strained. I was becoming more and more confused as a heard something that sounded like running water, then a clicking noise. I heard another click, then saw the door opening, and Mikey appeared in front of me. He smiled at me and took my hand. "Come on," he reassured, seeing I was nervous. "I didn't hide a monster somewhere To that, I giggled and let him lead me into the bathroom connected to our shared bedroom.

I gasped, seeing what he did. He had filled the soaker tub with warm water and foamy bubbles, and placed candles around the perimeter. The lights were dim, making the candles glow. "I made you a bath," he whispered. "Or us, if you're comfortable..." he trailed off, trying to read my expression.

"I just, I don't know if I'm really ready to be e-exposed-"

"It's fine," he immediately cut me off, putting a hand on my shoulder. "How about you get undressed in here, and get in the tub then cover yourself with the foam. I'll get undressed in the room, then when I come in you can turn away if it makes you uncomfortable. When we're in the tub we'll be covered, but if you want, I can add more bubbles-"

"Thanks," I mumbled sheepishly, feeling bad we had to go through all of the trouble just for me. "That sounds perfect."

Mikey nodded and preceded to go into the bedroom, gently shutting the door behind him. I peeled my work clothes away from my body and stepped into the tub. I pooled some of the scented foam near my body. I relaxed and relished the initial feeling of the hot water. "Okay," I called to Mikey. I didn't want this situation to be awkward, so I turned and faced the wall, closing my eyes until I felt his presence next to me. 



W.C: 495

My Chemical Romance One Shots (complete)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara