Chapter 17

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Eliana Moretti's
Point of View

Harry and I left the bakery about five minutes ago and we've been walking towards the neighborhood where I spent the low years of my life.

Every single step we took, hands intertwined together in silence, I felt my chest tighten, and suddenly finding it harder to breathe.

Suddenly, I get pulled back gently, turning my head up to see Harry stopped, lifting his glasses up, allowing him to look clearly into my eyes.

"Elle, my love." He says as I continue to look up at him, still staying silent. "We don't have to do this, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortab-"

I lean up on my toes, placing my hand around the back of his head, gently pulling him down, pressing his lips to mine. I hold him close to me, as he wraps his arms tightly around me.

I pull away slowly, looking straight ahead at his chest avoiding his gaze.

Suddenly, it feels like there's a giant ball in my throat, as the thought of Harry leaving me like my parents did, comes to my mind.

He is bound to leave, he is the Prince of England and is probably going to leave me for a princess. Expiration date.

My heart clenches at the thoughts that are crossing my mind.  I feel a tear silently escape my eye as I stare blankly at his chest. I feel a soft touch under my chin, gently and slowly tilting my face up to face him.

I clench my eyes tightly closed, trying to avoid looking into his captivating eyes.
The surface of his thumb runs against my cheek, wiping away the tear that managed to escape my eye.

I open my eyes cautiously and slowly, allowing Harry to search my eyes as I see the worry in his.

"Elle." He whispers softly, trying to tread lightly around me, making me shake my head.

"Don't leave me, please." I say almost inaudible, but loud enough for him to hear. He re-wraps his arms tightly around me, before whispering in my ear.

"I'm not going anywhere Elle."

I breathe in deeply a few times, against his chest, trying to calm myself down. The sound of his heartbeat and his arms around me makes me feel more relaxed.

"I'm sorry." I whisper softly.

"Never be sorry for expressing your emotions." He says back, making me nod softly before pulling back.

I drop my hand back into his, as I continue to walk forward, taking him with me. He squeezes my hand lightly, letting me know that he's there for me.

As we approach the Mesery Neighborhood, I come to terms with the fact that I'm actually back here.

We silently enter the better part of the neighborhood, being met with the familiar scenery of the old broken buildings, which people here were lucky to live in, compared to ones who had to live outside.

We silently enter the better part of the neighborhood, being met with the familiar scenery of the old broken buildings, which people here were lucky to live in, compared to ones who had to live outside

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