Chapter 28

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Eliana Moretti's
Point of View

As I reached the cottage, I put my suitcase down, reaching into my bag searching for the key. I pull it out, closing my bag before unlocking the door and pulling my suitcase inside.

There are so many memories flooding my mind and rushing through my brain like a dam that's walls have just broken.

However no emotions break through, as if  they're trapped. I place my bags down inside before closing the door behind me. I stand there dead still, staring at the bold number at the bottom of the newspaper article that I bought at the airport.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to stop my mind from overloading as a headache slowly pounds through my head.

I breathe in deeply, before opening my eyes.

Since I've got off the plane, I have been sitting in my cottage on my bed watching a movie to stay distracted, yet it was hard to keep my mind focused, because it felt like I was being pulled to that number sitting on the newspaper.

After the movie finished, even though I don't know how I got full the through hour and a half of it considering I've been finding it very hard to concentrate, I climbed off my bed and moved towards the couch where the newspaper sat.

Once again I sat there contemplating whether or not I should phone the number at the end of the article, trying to figure out who the number belonged to and if it would help with anything if I phoned in.

Maybe if I phone in I can get them to release another article that takes the blame off Harry and the royal family.

I take a deep breath, pulling my phone out of my bag, holing it in my one hand and the newspaper in the other.

I slowly copy the digits, typing them into my phone, letting my finger hover over the call button before pressing down on it. The constant ringing made me believe that the person on the other side wasn't going to answer the call.

Just as I was about to lift the phone up from my ear, I hear a voice ring through the phone.

"David Le Blanc speaking."

I heard an unfamiliar voice pass through the phone, however I remained silent, the words stuck in my throat.

"Is someone there?"

Eliana: Yes sorry

David: How may I help you?

Eliana: I um- I saw the recent article in the newspaper, it had your number attached.

David: Ah! Okay do you have any information?

Eliana: I was hoping you'd be able to write another article?

David: Why is that?

Eliana: Um, I was hoping you'd be able to take the blame off of the Royal Family?

David: I'm afraid I can't do that I am not part of the news. I am a lawyer, may I ask, who am I speaking to. 

Eliana: um, Eliana Moretti

David: Sorry, could you please repeat that.

Eliana: It's Eliana Moretti

Davis: As in Fleur and Claude Moretti's Daughter?

Eliana: Yes

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