Chapter 32

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Eliana Moretti's
Point of View

"Okay I'm going to the car, I'll meet you there my love, don't take too long." Harry says to me, kissing my cheek before walking out the house, leaving me alone with Anne.

"My darling, there's a lot that needs to be discussed regarding the wedding, I was wondering if you had anyone specific that you wanted to hire?" She asks making me smile at her consideration.

"Oh nobody specific, anyone that you choose will be perfect, I really do appreciate the offer though." I say back which makes her smile and nod.

"Okay, I'll call him up personally, he is one of the best, I promise." She says.

"Thank you Anne, I really appreciate it." I say giving her a hug.

"It's a pleasure my darling." She says as Gemma walks into the room.

"Ahh, Eli, I see you like the clothes we picked out." She says coming towards me.

"Oh they're all absolutely beautiful Gem, thank you for helping me."  I say running my hand over the dress I was wearing.

Three days ago, Gemma organized someone to come past the house, she told me it's the person she usually gets her clothes from. So Gemma and I spent the day together, while she helped me pick out new clothes, that would suit the life here more.

The clothes were all stunning and it was so nice to have another girl to help me with fashion advice. Harry had tried to come in at one point to help and he sat next to Gemma while I tried on clothes. He sat there for a while before her started complaining- which was adorable because his lip was pulled into a pout and his eyes wide-  in the end he left because shopping for clothes turned out to be very boring for him.

Everything has been absolutely surreal since the night Harry and I had arrived back here, I genuinely feel part of the family.

"Don't keep her too long, Harry's waiting in the car for her." Anne says to Gemma, who nods in response.

"Okay, you better run before he starts to complain about how we're stealing you away from him." She says making me giggle.

"I'll see you both later." I say to both of them before walking out the entrance of the palace. As I walk out the palace, I see Harry leaning against the door further away from me on his phone with a pout on his face as he sits in the car with the door open, facing me.

The look on his face makes me laugh, which causes him to look up and catch my gaze. I climb into the car, closing the door behind me before moving closer to him.

"You take forever." He says pouting again, making me giggle.

"I'm sorry, I was speaking to your mom about organizing some things, and then your sister came into the room."  I explain making him nod.

"I've missed you." He says, pulling me onto his lap. "Everyone's been stealing you away from me. I haven't had enough time with my Fiancé alone." He says before he gently kisses connects our lips, making me hum in content.

"I'm sorry mi amore." I say after we break apart while Harry moves his lips to my neck. "I do like the sound of Fiancé." He hums before sucking on my neck, making me let out a soft moan.

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