Chapter 36

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Before the chapter, I wanted you guys to know how to pronounce Giana ( short a sound Gi-A-na, Like Eliana )

Three years later

King Harry's
Point of View

"Daddy." I feel a tug on the side of my blanket, making me furrow my eyebrows, before opening my eyes. I look to the side to be met with big blue eyes. "Daddy, I'm scared."

"It's okay Giana, come here, there's nothing to be scared of. What's wrong?" I say, sitting up, dangling my feet off the side of the bed before lifting our daughter up and placing her in between me and Eliana.

"I had a scary dream."

"Don't worry my darling, it's not real and Mommy and Daddy will always be here to protect you."

"Is mommy okay?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows, making me look over to Eliana.

"Yes, she just hasn't been feeling very good, that's why she's sleeping." I explain to her softly.

"Okay, so I sleep too." She says, closing her eyes and places her head on my chest, cuddled into her teddy bear. I chuckle softly before closing my eyes and allowing myself to fall back to sleep before we have to wake up in a few hours.

Queen Eliana's
Point of View

"Mommy, how are you feeling." I hear a voice say, as I sit up in bed against the headboard.

"Better, thank you darling." I reply with a smile, "do you want to come up?"

"Only for a little bit, because daddy says we're going to play in the secret garden today."

"Oh really, well then, we won't stay here too long." I say, watching him climb up onto the bed before sitting in my lap.

"Mommy, mommy." I hear another voice shout from down the hall, making me smile.

"Slowly Giana." I hear Harry's voice as the small footsteps enter the room.

"Sorry Daddy." She says before running towards me and hanging on my side of the bed struggling to climb up.

"Hi my beautiful girl, do you want to come up as well?"

"Yes please." She says, still struggling to climb up. As I'm about to move to pick her up, I hear footsteps enter the room, making me look up to see Harry carrying a tray of breakfast. Next thing, Giana lets go of the bed before running excitedly over to her father.

"Mommy, Daddy and I made you breakfast." She says, making my heart warm.

Harry and I decided that we didn't want the kids to be brought up without doing anything for themselves, so we agreed on doing things with them instead of getting things done for them all the time.

"Thank you, I'm so spoiled." I say as Harry places the tray next to the bed, before helping Giana onto the bed, who once again had started to struggle to climb up.

"Thank you Daddy." She says after running to sit next to me. Harry walks around the bed before sitting down and coming closer to us.

"How are you feeling love?" He says, placing the back of his hand to my forehead, checking if the temperature from yesterday was still prevalent or not.

"Much better." I say honestly, to which he nods with a smile.

"Your temperature feels as if it's gone back down to normal." He says before placing a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you for breakfast Mi amore, I love you." I say against his lips as we pull back slightly.

"Anything for you. I love you more." He says pecking my lips again before moving back allowing Giana to cuddle into him.

"Can we go play in the secret garden yet?" Ben asks Harry from my lap.

Harry and I decided a year after Giana was born to adopt Ben from the orphanage, who's now 10 years old and is the cutest oldest brother to his 3 year old sister. I knew Harry had a close relationship to Ben ever since he took me there for the first time and I now Ben has been living with us for three years.

"Yes Daddy please." Giana copies her brother, making me chuckle while looking over at Harry in amusement.

"You two have to get dressed though." He says, making them both eagerly jump and and run out the room, but not without Ben helping Giana off the tall bed.

"They really are adorable." I say in awe, watching them run out of our room to theirs which are down the passageway from ours.

"I must agree." He says kissing my lips. "But you better get dressed before they come in here whining for you to hurry up" He says chuckling, making me giggle before standing up and walking over to the bathroom.

After I was dressed, the kids dragged Harry down the stairs in excitement, as I followed behind watching the adorable scene.

"Be careful on the bridge please." I say from behind as they run down the stairs and across the bridge.

"Can I please open the door?" Ben asks, looking up at Harry.

"Me too, can I also?" She says to which Ben nods with a smile.

"Okay, go on and open it." Harry says, standing next to me as they both push against the wall for the heavy door to open. Harry places his hand at the top of the door without them seeing, helping them push it open, making me giggle when they were extremely excited that they opened the door before they ran down the steps into the garden pulling Harry with them.

"Come on Mommy."

"Sorry darling, I'm coming

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Sorry darling, I'm coming." I say back to Ben as him and Eliana run into the flowers.

I make my way closer before standing next to Harry and locking our hands together, resting my head on his shoulder as we both watch our kids playing in the flowers in front of us.

"It's adorable how they love this place as much as you." I say softly to Harry.

"I'm glad they do, it's our special family place."

Next thing I know I feel Giana's hand pulling mine towards the flowers, making Harry follow my actions.

Harry and I sit down on the bench in the middle of the flowers as Giana and Ben lie on their stomachs looking at us.

"Can you please tell us a story?"

"We can do that, what type of story do you want to hear?"

"Daddy, can you tell us how you met mommy?"


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