Chapter 31

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25th December

Eliana Moretti's
Point of View

"Okay, the car is loaded, are you ready to go?" Harry asks me, as he comes to where I was leaning against the front door of the palace.

"Yes of course, lets go. I'm very excited." I say smiling, before hopping into the car.

After about ten minutes, we had come to a stop outside and both of us hopped the limousine.

"Okay let's go." Harry says, holding my hand before leading me inside.

"Uncle Harry" I heard a little boy call, before rushing towards us. He jumped up on Harry, who had caught the little boy in his arms.

"Hi bud, how are ya?" He asks, smiling at the little boy in his arms.

"I'm good uncle Harry, I missed you." The little boy says, with big eyes, making me heart tighten.

"I missed you too bud, I'm sorry, I've been very busy lately, but I promise I'll be back here as usual." Harry says making the little boy grin from ear to ear.

"Well Ben, how about we go inside to the others and we get some presents?" He says, which makes the little boy bounce in excitement in Harry's arms.

Harry turns to me, asking if it's okay to which I nod in response with a smile, before gesturing him to go.

Just as I'm about to follow him, I hear someone say something to me, causing me to turn my head to the side.

"Are you here with Harry?" The lady asks, making me nod before turning my attention to Harry walking further into the room. "He's such a genuine, kind man, you know, we don't get many men like him anymore. He comes to visit the children here every second Sunday." She says making my eyes widen.

"Yes, I have to agree with you there, he certainly is amazing ." I say smiling at the thought of him. I feel a light tug at my shirt, making me turn to see a little girl standing at my feet. I crouch down until I'm eye level with her.

"Hi" she says shyly, making me smile at her adorableness.

"Hey there, whats your name?" I ask her gently, not wanting to scare her.


"Well Liah, my names Eliana, it's very nice to meet you." I say holding out my hand to which she shakes with a huge smile across her face.

"Would you like to come play with me?" She asks to which a nod.

"I'd love to!" I exclaim before standing up and turning to face the lady that I was talking to previously.

"Run along now dear." She says making me smile and nod before letting the little girl pull me towards all the other kids.

I sat on the floor while the little kids all ran around looking at all the new toys that Harry and I had bought for them earlier today.

Liah has run off somewhere else, playing with some other kids, leaving me sitting on the floor by myself, watching all the kids run around in excitement, but more importantly, watching the way Harry interacted with all those kids.

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