Chapter 18

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Prince Harry's
Point of View

It's been about two weeks since Eliana and I went to look at the Mesery Neighborhood, which took its toll on her. I really wish that she never had to go through anything that she did, she has the most beautiful soul, she didn't deserve to go through anything like that, nobody does.

After that, we went to stay in her cottage, where we stayed the night. I didn't know what to do, because I was scared that I could say something that might hurt her, I already feel like she's so distraught because of me, I shouldn't have asked her to go there. It was very selfish of me.

She has been so quiet the whole week, barley speaking at all and as much as I love her voice and all that I want is to be able to speak to her, I understand that she must be trying to come to terms with everything, trying to sort out everything going through her mind.

Two days after, I returned to the neighborhood without her, to see more of what was actually going on there. I walked around for hours, taking photos and observing everything.

But now, I'm laying down in the hotel bed, with Eliana resting on my chest. The silence is hurting me because all I want to know is if she's alright but I won't ever force her to speak when she's uncomfortable.

Her warmth radiates over me, as her hand rests on my chest, just below her face. I sigh softly, lifting up my hand and running it through her hair slowly.

I hear her sigh lightly, as I continue to run my hand through her hair.

After about ten minutes, I was unsure to whether she had fallen asleep or not, until I felt a drop run over my chest making me sigh deeply.

"Elle." I say softly, however, her head remained in its place. "Love." I try again, this time, she tilts her head up, allowing my eyes to meet her glossy blue one, watching another tear escape her eye.
I immediately sit up, making her sit up with me, moving her to sit in my lap.

Her arms immediately wrap around my neck, squeezing me tighter as I hear her sniffle. I sit there silently, with my arms wrapped around her as she cries into my shoulder. I move my one hand to the back of her neck, as she moves back after a while.

She slowly opens her eyes as I run my thumb at the back of her neck where it rests.

"Elle, I don't want you to speak to me if you don't want to, I want whatever you want, I want you to be comfortable and to know you're alright." I say softly, she listens intently before nodding.

"I can't describe what I'm feeling." She says, almost softer than a whisper. "I'm not happy, and I know that, but I'm also not sad either. I feel caught in between so many emotions and I just feel" she sighs in between before continuing, "empty."

"Elle, it's okay to feel lost, Unsure and overwhelmed. It's okay to not be together every day and it's okay to be exactly where you are right now and feel what you're feeling and it's okay to not know what you're feeling. I will always be here for you, and I promise you, you'll figure this out- we'll figure this out, together, okay?" I tell her honestly, her eyes remain on me, as she nods again.

"I'm sorry for taking you back there Elle, I hate to see you like this, I miss your beautiful voice that I love to hear so much, and that bright spark in your eyes, but it's okay not to be happy all the time, and I will be with you no matter what you're feeling."

"Thank you." She says louder as I stare at her, not registering the fact that she spoke to me.

"Please don't thank me love, I feel like I've cau-"

"Harry." She releases my name from her lips, making my heart smile as she cuts me off. "Please don't apologize, you have been there for me these past weeks, you went with me and helped me face a part of my past that I had to come to terms with, and I genuinely would not have been able to do any of that without you."  She says making me smile. "You mean so much to me Harry, you are so kind hearted, I don't know what I deserved to have met you."

"Elle, words fall short when ever I want to tell you how much you mean to me, how special you are, but my world is full of smiles when I think of you." I say as I watch her eyes tear up.

She leans in connecting our lips together, making my heart beat faster.

"I'm scared I'm going to loose you." She whispers pulling away from my lips, looking down as her forehead rests against mine.  "I haven't been so scared of loosing someone since my parents passed away. "

"I'm not going anywhere." I say softly.

"How do you know that?"

"I will be here every single time you need me because I can't stand the thought of you not being a part of my life."

Eliana Moretti's
Point of View

As the words come out of his mouth, I lean back as a smile crosses my face.

He looks at me with a glimmer in his eyes as this is the first I've spoken to him the whole week, and I hate how he's been feeling guilty because of me.

"I've missed your beautiful smile." He says aloud, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Elle?" He asks, making me tilt my head to the side.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I ask timidly.

"Well, um I was wondering if you wanted to come back with me to London for Christmas and to stay for a while?"

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