They will not win

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(Tom's P.O.V.)
So Chase has been acting kind of strange lately. He started to flinch harder at the smallest of things. A touch on the shoulder or a hug he will react heavily. He will tense up, or back away. But quickly calm down as well once he realized it's me or someone else from the family.

It was the middle of the night and I woke up. Chase was stirring in his sleep. I could tell he was having one of his regular nightmares again. He was tossing and turning around in our bed. I turned on the reading light next to me. I turned back and saw that sweat was glistening on his forehead. I hesitated if I should wake him up. "Chase" I softly whispered. He turned around again and he grabbed the bedsheet so tight that his knuckles turned white. His lip quivered from fear. I nervously bit my lip and put my hand on his shoulder. His eyes shot open and he grabbed my shoulders and slammed me back on the matress. He hovered above me as he gripped my shoulders tightly. His face showed pure terror and fear. I stayed calm as I watched him. I knew by the look in his eyes that he was doibg this to protect himself. "Chase. It's okay. It's me. You're safe" I softly spoke. Trying to calm my husband down. His eyes softened as he realized what was happening. He loosened his grip and quickly got off from me. "Tom..I..I'm sorry" he said as he had tears in his eyes. I walked towards him and held my hands up. I went and reached for his shoulder but he stepped back. "No don't!" He screamed at me with terror, "don't touch me". I raised my eyebrow at him. "I don't want to hurt you" he added. It pained me seeing him like this. He turned around and put his hand on the table. I just watched him as he tried calming himself down. My eyes scanned his body. He was only wearing some boxershorts and I could see the scars that had slowly faded on his back, shoulders and near his ribs. "Just go to bed, Tom" Chase quietly said before he walked to the bathroom.

(Chase's P.O.V.)
I looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed and trailed my hand over some of the red scars on my neck. The scars went further onto my back. Some even traveled over my stomach and chest. But not as many as on my back. As I trailed my hand over the scars the memories came flooding back.

The leather belt cracked onto my back, leaving a burning feeling on my back.

My eyes shot back open and I stumbled back. Hyperventilating and hands shaking. "You okay?" I heard Tom call out. I didn't answer him. I turned to the shower and put it on. I stepped in and the hot water splashed on my back. I couldn't control the flinch when the water hit my back. I dropped my head and felt my eyes fill up with tears. My body started to shake from the hiccups and silent cries. I didn't want to be weak anymore but I couldn't.

(Tom's P.O.V.)
I walked into the bathroom. Chase didn't notice me when I came in. I took of my shirt and got in the shower with him. I went behind him amd carefully wrapped my arms around his torso. He started to cry harder and apologized. I shushed him and told him it was okay. Eventhough Chase is taller than me he still could lay his head on my shoulder. I saw him close his eyes and try breathing slower. I carefully went ahead and trace my fingers in circles on his arm to help him relax more. "You keep me sain" Chase suddenly said breaking the silence. I hummed "why is that?", "because I believe that these negative thoughts could kill me if you aren't here". I closed my eyes and sighed a deep breath. "Listen to me" I said and turned him around. He averted his gaze to the wall, not meeting my eyes. "I'm always here. And I won't ever let those negative thoughts kill you. Do you understand?". He didn't look at me. I grabbed his shoulders and made him look me in the eyes "Chase, I need to know if you understand!" I said as my voice cracked scared. He looked at me and a painfull smile made it's way across his face. "I do" he replied. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek. I felt him wrap bis arms around me aswell. "Don't ever forget that. They will not win from us. Not now not ever".

Published: 22 February 2020

Well this chapter was finished a long time ago.... but me being a dumbie I forgot to hit publish. Whoopsies🤪🤪

Thanks for the 25K reads.💥

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