14. Nightmare

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"Where is the beast? Nothing but mosquitoes here," asks RM for the fifth times.

Jimin complaints, "Can't you keep quiet?"

He doesn't look happy today. Aimee has refused to go out with him after he got back from this mission. Thought they are making good progress.

Jin says, "We haven't gone that far. The ice plain is beyond this pine woods."

J-HOPE is combing his hair again for the tenth times.

Jimin smirks. The others only smile a bit. They have lived in the same house for years. If J-HOPE kept combing his hair, it means he is nervous.

Jin asks, "You okay?"

"I never leave town this far," replies J-HOPE.

RM says, "Not too late to go back."

"Kai isn't coming. Thought you could use some help."

Kai has stayed behind after V requested it. Everyone, even her brother is shocked when she complies to his request.

Jin says, "V is worried she would get to reckless to avenge him."

He looks back. Jungkook is following him. Sometimes he got distracted with some wild animals.

Jimin asks, "Why you have to bring him too?"

"I told him to stay. He tagged along. He doesn't listen to my orders very well."

His behaviors don't change a bit. As a cat or a human being. Jungkook does as he please. Never listen to me. I should have raised a puppy instead.

A glance to Jungkook. Jin looks another way when he stares to his direction.

No wonder he ate a lot. Maybe he was building his strength to become a human being. I still don't get it. How could a cat become a human being?

They kept on walking until they arrive to a small opening. The piles on the ground in front of them seems to move at certain interval.

RM takes a step forward. The piles split into tons of giant cockroaches.

J-HOPE screams like a crazy man. He starts to flee from the beasts. Jin is right behind him. He never in love with bugs.

Scratch that.

He is afraid of some bugs, especially cockroaches larger than ponies.

Few minutes later, far from their first destination.

"Huff! Huff! Huff! You guys left me..." complaints Jimin.

RM has to lift Jimin and carries him because he couldn't run fast enough to escape them.

"Sorry..." apologizes Jin.

He is kneeling down. Out of breath.

J-HOPE is lying next to him. He looks dead. His soul has left from his body.

Suddenly J-HOPE jumps to his feet. His hand is holding something like a green rope.

"Snakeu!" yells him.

He is going to toss him away when RM kills it with a knife.

RM scolds, "Never waste food. Snake is tasty. Like a chicken."

"I hate snakes! I hate bugs! I hate forest!"

J-HOPE is shaking his head.

He inhales a deep breath before he says, "I'm going home."

He doesn't wait for the others' reply. He kept walking into a certain direction.

Jimin calls him, "Hey! You are going the wrong way!"

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