20. Arena and workshop

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Jimin stares around. The workshop is his wildest dream. Any kind of gears, spare parts and equipments are here. He could build any kind of machines he wants.

A female engineer is carrying a large machine on her own. She puts it on the floor. She is adjusting it right now.

Jimin kneels down beside her.

He asks, "What is this?"


Jimin stares the machine. It looks like a prototype machine dog.

He asks, "What did it do?"

No reply from her. She is a pretty woman. Not a friendly one.

Jimin rises and he begins to collect parts. If you want to survive here, you must prove your worth.

Three hours later, the same woman is staring to his half finished machine.

It looks like a donkey without any visible power source.

She asks, "Aren't you going to put on a battery?"


"Why not? How could it move?"

Jimin says, "We could no longer produce batteries. Rare items like those stuffs. It would go extinct sooner or later."

"We could produce smaller ones here."

"Still I prefer sunlight."

She is staring him with awe.

She asks, "Are you a magician?"

"Yup, that's my name. I named this one Donkey RM 15."

He pushes the donkey to outdoors. The solar panels would need at least eight hours of sunlight to fill the energy.

She says, "It isn't moving."

"Not yet. It's still recharging. By the way, I'm Jimin."

She only says, "Irene."

She has lost interest and leaves the spot. Back to her metal dog again.

Jimin goes back to the heaps of spare parts. He needs to make new weapons. All his guns are confiscated when they got captured.

Irene sees what he is making.

She asks, "Are you making a weapon?"


"They will kill you."

Jimin stops.

He asks, "Why? I need a weapon to defend myself."

"You can't do that here. Unless the leader gives you a permission."

Jimin sighs. He disassembles the gun again.

He asks, "How could I ask her? The leader. I don't want to be dead because I have no reliable weapon."

"Make something unique and awesome. The leader always appreciates talented folks."

"So I have heard."

Jimin rubs his chin. He thinks about many engine blue prints he has seen in the past. Desaurus was an advanced city in it's time. The library stored many engine blue prints ever known to mankind.

Suddenly the light flickers.

Jimin asks, "What's going on?"

"Unstable battery. We got many of them. Sometimes one of the batteries explodes and injures many persons nearby."

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