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twenty | où rien ne reste enterré

Mikaelson Compound

Cami's lifeless form rests on the massive king-sized bed, belonging to the Original hybrid, in which she took her final breath, though her cold body is now covered, thanks to Hayley being the final one to say her goodbye. Klaus Mikaelson is contemplating the situation while staring outside the window; Cami O'Connell was bitten by Lucien, his own progeny who has always been obsessed enough to be his sire's better and superior, along with his own brother Finn Mikaelson. He gave his word that he would avenge them, his loved ones, and he will. Therefore, nothing can stop him to end Lucien now.

He doesn't even need to turn around in another's presence in his own serene master bedroom, being the mother of his child, "Did you bring it?"

Hayley Marshall walks in through the wide open door, a notebook in hand, "Jack wrote down everything your father told him about the ancient werewolves. I've read it. I don't think there's anything in there that's going to help us kill Lucien though." Being that he remains stronger than any Original, thanks to the Ancestors in order to eliminate all the Originals.

Klaus is handed the notebook from her, "I'll see for myself. You can go." Words cannot describe how entirely grateful he is to have her whenever he needs her, until he actually trusts her enough to handle his real father's legacy. It seemed that only she and Jackson took possession of the book so that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands...like the Guerrera werewolves.

Once Cami has gone, now he knows what Hayley feels once it comes to her own husband's demise...unending fury, rage, heartbreak, horror, guilt. Cami and Jackson didn't deserve how this wretched life treated them, being collateral damage. How Lucien bit the woman with no hesitation or mercy, much like how Tristan ripped the man's heart out as an act of vengeance.

"Klaus, I think that we should do something about the body, about Cami. I know that she wanted an Irish wake. I can make the arrangements." For the funeral which the woman should deserve; Hayley gently offered him, truly sorry for what he has been through, thanks to his own sadistic progeny. Therefore, she won't mind to keep him company at his times of need.

"It doesn't matter what she wanted!" The Original predictably snapped at the mention, "She's gone. There's no time to sing dirges. We're at war." Why would she even bother to do so when he never even truly cared about a funeral when Jackson Kenner died? Why is she being so nice to him?

Hayley slowly nods in well-understanding and sympathy, "Yeah...Okay."

In the courtyard below, Marisa, Vincent, Monique, and Freya are standing next to Aurora de Martel's unconscious form, which is wrapped in a sheet.

"So how are we going to do this?" Monique Deveraux wondered aloud about the upcoming plan on how to strip the beast from his undeserving powers.

"Good news; I think I found a spell that'll draw together all the serum that Aurora took. Now, it's going to take a little while, but if I can concentrate it in her heart, we can extract it with this, destroy it, and make sure we ain't got no more of these unkillable monsters on our hands." Vincent announced.

Monique shares a relatable look with the blonde, "Sounds good to me."

"In the meantime, I think I may have finally found a way to kill Lucien. Now, my mother once tried to end my siblings by reversing the Original vampire spell, and according to her grimoire, only the witch who cast the spell could undo it. You created that serum; therefore, according to my mother, you can turn Lucien back and then Klaus can rip his head off." Freya explained.

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