Waking up to a New Life

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(16th of August) Anna's POV

I wake up feeling different, stronger. I look around the room, everything is so clear. The brilliant light overhead was still blinding-bright. Yet I could plainly see the glowing strands of the filaments inside the bulb. I could see each color of the rainbow in the white light.

I look out the window next to see snow. I could distinguish the individual specks and snowflakes. They spun like little planets in the wind outside, moving around each other in a celestial dance. It is beautiful.

The snow was so beautiful that I inhaled in shock. The air whistled down my throat, swirling the motes into a vortex. The action felt wrong. I considered, and realized the problem was that there was no relief tied to the action. I didn't need the air. My lungs weren't waiting for it. They reacted indifferently to the influx.

I then hear the sound of the others downstairs. I sit up and spot a mirror. I stand and try to walk to it. But I end up running and stop nearly running into the vanity. I look into the mirror to look at my new vampire self. I notice I have paler skin, wavy dark brown hair, and crimson red eyes. My features are also heightened and perfected by the transformation.

I hear the door open and immediately get defensive. I held my pose for an eighth of a second longer, adjusting to the scene before me. It is just the Denali's with Jasper and Carlisle. Who turned me into a vampire. My vampire family waited cautiously against the far wall by the door. Jasper and Kate in front.

My nostrils flared, searching for the threat. I could smell nothing out of place. Something tickled my throat, setting it to aching and burning. Carlisle steps forward a hand out stretched and I watch it warily. I watch his every move as the others stay by the door. "Anna" he says gently.

"I'm a vampire now" I say as I look at them. "It feels strange, why am I on edge?" I ask him confused.

"I'm sorry, I know it's disorienting. But you're all right. Everything is fine" he assures me.

"Is my throat burning due to thirst?" I ask him.

"Yes, we'll go hunt soon" he assures me. "How do you feel?" he asks me.

"Aside from the burning in my throat, all my new advance senses are a little overwhelming" I tell him honestly.

"Yes, it can be quite confusing" he says with a chuckle.

"But I feel like me. Sort of. I didn't expect that" I tell him.

"You are quiet controlled" Jasper states and I frown in confusion. Was I not meant to be?

"More so than expected, even with the time you had to prepare yourself mentally for this" Carlisle tells me.

"I'm not sure about that" I tell them. "I really want to go hunt" I state as I look out the window.

"We will soon" Carmen assures me.

"What do you remember of the transformation?" Eleazar asks me.

"It's hard to remember. It was so dark before and it hurt. And then... I opened my eyes and I could see everything. And there was no more pain" I explain.

"Lets go hunt" Jasper tells me. "Kate will come with us" he tells me.

"It's quite easy. Instinctual. Don't worry, we'll show you" Kate assures me. I nod my head. I go to walk over to them and run again. I crush into Tanya and we fall to the ground.

"I'm so sorry" I tell her.

"It's fine" she says with a chuckle as Eleazar and Jasper help us up.

"Maybe you should teach her to control her speed first" Irina tells Kate and Jasper.

"I think you're right" Jasper says while nodding his head. Kate grabs my arm and guides me outside at a human speed. Jasper runs about a hundred metres away and stops turning to face us. "Now focus, run towards me and stop. Once you get control of stopping, you'll be able to learn to walk at a human pace" he tells me.

I nod my head and run over to him. I stop and nearly fall. But he steadies me. "Now run back to me" Kate instructs and I do so. I soon get the hang of running and stopping. We then go hunt.

We head to the mountains and spot a herd of mountain goat. "Trust your instinct" Jasper tells me. "Close your eyes, take a deep breath and pick your target. Remember only feed, do not kill" he tells me. I nod my head and do as he instructed.

I don't know how. But one moment I was in between Jasper and Kate. The next I've been a young male goat and feeding from his neck. I release him and he leaps away further up the mountain. "That was great Anna" Kate praises me.

"Not bad for a first hunt" Jasper adds smiling.

"That was a rush" I tell them as I wipe my mouth with a hanky chief. "But I no longer feel thirsty" I tell them. "Can we go back to the others?" I ask them.

"Of course, race you there" Kate tells me and takes off. Jasper and I share a look. Before taking off after her and I won with my newborn speed.

We arrive to see the rest of the Cullen clan with the Denalis. Aside from Edward and Bella who are on their honeymoon. It's only been three days since the wedding and they are suppose to be gone for a month.

"How did it go?" Esme asks us.

"Very well" Jasper says as he hugs Alice.

"She was a natural" Kate praises.

"Thank you" I say smiling. "So are you going to finally tell me what my gift is?" I ask them all curious. I've know I'll have a gift since I decided to turn, but none of them would tell me what my gift was going to be.

"You're a copy cat" Emmett tells me.

"A what?" I ask.

"A copy cat, you have the ability to copy other vampires powers and use them. You just have to see them do it and you will be able to do it" Eleazar explains.

"Wow, that's so cool" I say smiling.

"Also dangerous" Jasper tells me. "You should only learn one ability at a time to avoid losing control. Also try to only copy one or the Volturi will come after you. There has never been a vampire with your ability and they'll want it" he tells me.

"I'll be careful" I assure them. "Can I learn your gift first?" I ask Kate. She smiles and nods her head. We start my training. Not knowing what will happen in the near future.


Picture above of Anna as a newborn and picture on the external link of the Denali coven.

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