Chapter 8: Nate

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Savvy's already taken two shots and I'm patiently waiting for her to finally ask me a question. I figured she needed something to take her mind off of whatever was going on with her mom but I also wanted to use this game to my advantage. I knew I couldn't come right out and ask her why the hell is your mom talking to you that way? So using my frat boy skills I learned that getting people tipsy or drunk helps lighten the mood and gets them to open up just enough to give you the answers you want. If only that was the only answer I wanted.

Ever since that first day I saw Savannah there's been something about her. Like a pull that I can't ignore. And the more I get to know her, the more I hang out with her, the stronger it gets. I'm just terrified of what happens when the pull gets to be too much. I can't go to far with this girl, it's too complicated. With the whole dare thing with Brooks and her best friend I don't want that to effect what's happening with me and Savvy and I know that if I try to make it something more then it would one-hundred-percent mess everything up in a colossal way.

I'm watching Savvy carefully as she fills her glass once more. She takes a deep breath, her drink hovering at her lips as she smiles. "How many girls have you slept with Nathaniel?" I almost choke, not expecting that questioning right out of the gate. I laugh, shaking my head, "Enough to know what I'm doing." I smirk at her as she rolls her eyes and huffs. "That's not an answer Nate! Come on, how many?"

I smile devilishly at her, "Don't worry princess, you can count them on your fingers without having to repeat." I swear I see a small blush rise on her cheeks but I chase back my shot and pour myself another glass, contemplating what to ask her first. "Do you have any siblings?" Savvy's eyes pop up, staring at mine as if she didn't expect such a simple question. She nods, "Yes. A brother. He's older. Married. Kid on the way." She downs her shot quickly not giving me any option to ask further about her brother.

"Have you ever been in a relationship?" I throw back my shot before pouring another and slugging it back. Letting out a deep sigh, "Yes. Two in high school but none since. The second girl I thought I was in love with but....I wasn't or she wasn't as it turned out. Haven't felt the need to date anyone serious since." I drown in another shot as my mind thinks back to Emily. The first and only girl I ever said I love you to. The girl I fell so madly for in high school. We were together for three years but like everyone else, when she found out my dad had left my mom because he was gay, she turned on me. She turned on him. She started spreading rumors and lies. Saying she witnessed my dad screwing another man in our bathroom when she came over for dinner. How she was always suspicious of him and the way he looked at me while she was hanging out at my house. My dad had always been nothing but kind to her. My parents thought that she was going to be the one for me. Boy were they wrong. If ever there was a time I wanted to hit a girl -not that I ever would- it would have been then. A three year relationship gone in the blink of an eye all. I guess it was a good thing though, I learned who was truly there for me and who wasn't.

I never wanted to make things about me when my parents were going through their divorce. I had a hard time with it, yes. I hated them at the time, but I sure as shit wasn't going to tell them all of the nasty rumors that were being said by idiotic teenagers. My dad was getting enough of that at work. It didn't really matter too much though, he ended up taking a job in the UK a few months later, which only fueled the rumor mill more.

Taking another shot, I let out a cough as the burn of the alcohol dripped down my throat. I smiled at Savvy. "When's the last time you had an orgasm?" Her eyes went wide and I almost laughed at her shocked face before she recovers. "Self induced or by a guy?"

I shrug, "Both," I grab my soda from the table, bringing it to my lips to help pace myself for the next few rounds. I'm already starting to feel the buzz from the rum. I'm not one for coconut flavored shit but someone left it downstairs in the cabinet and I figured Savvy would like it better then straight vodka. "Never," she says shrugging and I spit out my soda shocked beyond belief.

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