14. Surprise [Lavi]

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Theme: Surprise

Person: Lavi

[Name] stood next to Allen, wondering what to do in a situation like this. Allen had no idea, either. It was strange, how Lavi actually got there. Currently, Lavi was stuck in a chimney, trying to get down. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't, and it was harder for him to do it himself.

Why was he up there? It was Christmas day and he decided it would be fun to dress up as Santa Claus and give gifts to everybody, via dropping down the chimney. But after he got through and put the presents under the tree, he couldn't get back out. He couldn't go out of the front door because he knew that Kanda would be there, ready to slice him up for messing with his sleep, and payback for nearly dyeing his hair bright pink. That was one of the only exits - the other being the chimney. So of course, not wanting to die by Kanda, he took the chimney. But in the end, he only got stuck there, which made him regret it.

It was morning and Allen and Cindy came down one after another, hearing a noise where the fireplace was. They had wondered what it was, but when they looked up, they found that it was Lavi, dressed in a Santa Claus suit, struggling to escape.

"Lavi-kun, why are you up there?" [Name] asked, wanting to break out laughing at his hilarious outfit.

"I...got stuck...when trying to get out!" The red head cried, trying yet again. "I've been stuck...for hours!" He exclaimed, trying again, but to no avail.

"We'll help you out, Lavi! So calm down and let us think. Struggling won't do any good." Allen spoke. [Name] and Allen took a step back before they thought, pondering hard and long about how to get him out.

As [Name] thought, her mind drifted to the Santa Claus costume he was wearing. It was huge and distinctively characterised Santa Claus with his big belly and his red and white clothing. Lavi even had a fake white beard on, too. Too back he tore it off when he found out that [Name] and Allen were watching him.

"AH!" [Name] clapped her hands together, getting a good idea of how to get Lavi out of that awkward situation. Allen turned to her. "That Santa Claus suit is the problem!" She said, walking over to the fireplace and looking up. She met Lavi's green eyes. "Lavi, I want you to take off your costume!" She ordered.

Lavi took it the wrong way, choking on his own words as he was about to say them. "W-W-What?" He exclaimed.

"If you take off that costume, you'll be able to come down. See the big belly? That's what's blocking your way from coming back down!" [Name] explained.

Lavi took a second to look down at her before obeying. He awkwardly removed the Santa costume, undoing the zip up in the front. Before he knew it, he had slid down and hit the wood that was in the fireplace.

"Ah! So it worked!" [Name] exclaimed, walking over to Lavi. Allen followed, but stopped short when Lavi shot him a distressed look.

"That was horrible!" Lavi exclaimed, sighing deeply. [Name] stared at him, tilting her head in confusion.

"You mean the chimney? Of course it'd be horrible, Lavi. You were stuck there for ages!" [Name] suddenly remembered that it was Christmas day, which reminded her to give a present to everybody. She thought about whether or not to give him the present or not, but decided to now so that she didn't get embarrassed when the others came in.

Leaning down, [Name] closed the gap between her and Lavi, before she pecked him on the unsuspecting cheek. She moved away quickly, giving him a smile before offering him her hand.

"Merry Christmas, Lavi!"

Lavi's cheeks tinged a dark shade of red, showing his embarrassment. He didn't even have time to think about what she was doing! It really took him by surprise. He took her hand and pulled himself up, brushing himself off.

He had to re-consider. Getting stuck in a chimney was worth it.

-Extended Ending-

"What the hell are you wearing, Baka-Usagi?" An irritated voice asked. Kanda walked into the room, his katana in his hand. He really needed to beat this guy up. He didn't let him sleep because of the continuous struggling throughout the whole night.

"Huh? What do you...mean..." Lavi looked down and his face was the colour of a red beetroot. He quickly ran out of the room and up the stairs, being as fast as he could.

Downstairs, Kanda chuckled darkly, a smirk tugging on his lips. Allen and [Name] watched as he did so, eyes slightly wide. They've never seen him laugh darkly before. Maybe it was his unexpected way of 'paying back' Lavi?

"What were those cartoons, Allen?" [Name] asked.

"...my little mermaid."

Cue huge hysterical laughter.

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