64. Tenderness [Kanda Yu]

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Theme: Tenderness

Person: Kanda Yu

[Name] entered the cafeteria, her [Eye Colour] eyes looking around to see if there was anybody that she knew. She saw one person, who stood out distinctively from the rest. He had long hair, dark in colour, and was had his cheek against his hand which rested on the table. He had just finished his soba, and was holding his cup of green tea, but, wasn't moving. His eyes were closed, and he looked relaxed.

[Name] made her way over there, sitting opposite the sleeping male. She loved his sleeping face - he looked so cute, so vulnerable, like she could sit there and watch him forever. That was because he didn't look like he normally did; when he was all grouchy and irritable.

She liked him this way much more, and whenever she saw him like this, her guard was always off, and she was always at ease, loving the gentleness that he emitted when he was sleeping.

"What are you staring at?"

[Name] was caught off guard, the voice nearly making her jump out of her seat. She looked at the sleeping figure, who wasn't sleeping anymore, with one eye open, staring straight at her.


D.Gray-Man Emotions Drabblesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें