28. Relief [Lavi]

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Theme: Relief

Person: Lavi

[Name] carried the huge boxes that were needed by the science department. She wasn't an exorcist at the Black Order, but a scientist. She had recently just come in and started working here, and all they were doing was making her carry this thing to this place or that thing to that place. It was quite tiring, but they wouldn't give her any other job.

"These boxes are heavy..." [Name] mumbled, trying to balance them correctly as she walked slowly over to the science area.

After those words had left her lips, three of the heavy boxes were removed from above her, and she could clearly see the things in front of her instead of a brown box. It confused her; where did the boxes go? She looked to the side and saw a man, who was about a year or so older than her, with flaming red hair that looked soft to touch, and gem green eyes. He was quite handsome in [Name]'s view - just her type.

"Ah! Thank you very much." [Name] showed politeness by bowing her head slightly at the red head, who grinned at her.

"No problem. You're new in the science department, right?" He asked. [Name] nodded. "Ah. No wonder I haven't seen you around. I'll help you lift the boxes since they're quite heavy. I can't believe them to actually make a girl do something as dangerous as this." He said, slightly frowning. He turned back to [Name], a smile on his face again. "Which way is it?" She pointed straight ahead. "Ah. Come on, then. Let's go. I'm Lavi, by the way. An exorcist of the Order. And you are...?"

"[Name]. I'm a scientist that just recently came here." She explained, smiling at him as they continued to walk.

"Well, [Name], it's nice to meet you!" He said happily.

[Name] couldn't help but blush at his words, before they continued on their little journey to the science department.

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