50. Outrage [Allen & Lavi]

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Theme: Outrage

Person: Allen & Lavi

After the three of them boarded the train, they sat down, before skimming through the contents of the mission information. After much discussion about the mission and random things, they fell asleep, closing their eyes to the much needed sleep that they needed.

Lavi, however, was still awake. He liked to fake things, faking to sleep when the others were really sleeping. He opened one eye before he grinned, opening both and making small and quiet movements, taking out a few coloured markers.

Looking into [Name]'s direction, he wondered if he should draw on her face too. But, being the gentlemen he was, he decided against it, thinking that it was bad to colour a female's face without their permission - similar to staining their beauty.

He started to draw on Allen's face, drawing fake eyes, eyelashes and random swirls around on his face with the coloured markers. He saw [Name] stir in her sleep, before she opened her eyes and stared right up at Lavi and Allen.

"Lavi, what're you doing?" She asked, rubbing her eyes as she got a better look at what he was doing. Once she did, though, she woke Allen up by shaking him hard, making him wake up.

He stared around, lazily. "What is it?"

"Lavi is drawing on you~!" [Name] said playfully.

"..." It took a few seconds for it to totally process through Allen's mind. Once he saw Lavi holding the marker, rage filled his veins. "LAVI!"

"Hehe..." Lavi laughed nervously, before he dropped the marker and bolted off down the train to another destination.

"Come back here!" Allen shouted, dashing after the red head.

[Name] sat in her seat, before looking around, then smiling, and put her feet up onto the opposite seat.

"Ah~ This is the life..."

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