60. Dejection [Tyki Mikk]

849 20 3

Theme: Dejection

Person: Tyki Mikk

[Name] hugged Tyki from behind, surprising the older man. "Erk!" He looked behind him. "[Name]?"

"Tyki-kun! You're back!" She said happily, grinning at him.

"Yeah..." He looked at [Name], before picking her up and setting her on his shoulder, so that she sat there.

"WOAH!" [Name]'s eyes widened and she looked at the view from his angle. She knew Tyki was tall, but she didn't know that he was this tall!

"Tyki-kun~!" She said happily.

"[Name], you can't always come to me when you're bored. I'm busy, too, you know. Play with Lero or Road when you're bored. Come on, let's get you to your room." Tyki said, looking up at[Name].

They arrived at [Name]'s room, before the male put her down and patted her head. "Stay here, ok?"

"Ok." [Name] said, grinning.

Tyki had a feeling that she didn't listen to a word he even said. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Ok, [Name]. I'll be going now, because I'm busy. I'll come back, ok?"

[Name] nodded. "Ok! I'll be waiting, Tyki-kun!"

Tyki nodded and smiled at her before going to his other mission.

"I might not even come back..."

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