Dick Grayson|| Skater

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Dick: 14
Y/n: 14
(Y/n) your name
Warnings: a bit cursing not much
Requested: by my cousin who loves Yata almost as much as I do

You skated around Gotham and listened to your favorite playlist from spotify. It was great day since summer just started which means no school for you.

You stopped at Mcdonalds to get yourself Cramel frappé.

You did first thought about vanilla cone but the ice cream machine is probably broken again.

"Hey, (y/n)! The usual?" Brandon asked. "Yup" you answered with a smile. "Coming right up" he said.

You got your frappé and paid for it. Brandon looked down and saw you were holding your skateboard with you.

"No school huh?" He asked. "It's summer B" you answered. "Oh yeah. You heading to the skatepark?" He asked. "Yup. Gotta train my tricks. But I'll see you later today" you said and began to walk away. "Don't break your bones" Brandon said and you laughed.

Once you stepped out you rolled away. You pushed more speed for yourself and happily drank your frappé.

Some dudes were carrying a table and you jumped over it like the pro skater you were.

You heard couple gasps and some 'wows' and a smile came to your lips.

You skated past a market and waved at the owner. You knew almost everyone in Gotham and pretty much everyone knew you.

You used to be a troublemaker but now you're just a teenager who loves to skate.

You gained more speed and took a hold of a lamppost turning with its help to the right showing off a little.

You smiled at one kid who was looking at you amazed.

You looked back forward and saw a kitten. Your eyes went wide and you tried to stop.

Instead of stopping in a really cool way you flew off your skateboard and fell on the ground harshly.

"Damn it..." you said and coughed. The kitten came to you and licked your face. "You're lucky you're cute dude" you said and sat up.

"Are you okay?" Guy asked behind you. You looked behind you and saw Dick Grayson standing there looking at you worried. You shot up. "Yup I'm fine" you said. "Are you sure that looked so bad" he said. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. I'm used to falling" you said.

Dick nodded and looked at the kitten. He bend down and pet it. "Is this yours?" He asked. "No I just found it. That's why I fell" you said. Dick chuckled and the cat came to you.

"It sure likes you" Dick said. "Yeah seems like it" you said. "But I gotta go it was nice to talk to you Dick" you said and took your skate. "I'll see you around" you said and rolled off.

After you arrived to the skatepark you noticed that the kitten was following you. "Hey buddy. You should go home" you said.

The kitten tilted its head and looked confused. "Oh no... you don't have home don't you?" You asked and the kitten licked your hand. "I take that as yes" you said and picked it up.

You walked to the ramp and put the kitten down. "Wait here I need to train for a sec, okay?" You asked and the kitten meowed.

You took your skate and started going different ramps and doing different tricks.

You went to the biggest ramp and when you were coming down the kitten was there again. You did a quick turn and fell on your butt.

Your skateboard pumped into you and you looked at the kitten. "Seriously?" You asked and the kitten meowed again.

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