Tim Drake|| wrong person

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Tim: 16
Y/n: 16
(Y/n) your name
Warnings: cursing

You groaned for like the hundredth time that day.

Tim was working on some stupid case and too busy for you. You were laying on his bed waiting for him to be ready.

"Tim~ are you done yet?" You asked bored out of your mind. "No" he answered.

Then Tim got a message and he checked it. "Alex is coming" he said and turned around to look at you.

Alex is short for Alexandra she's Tim's very annoying girlfriend. You couldn't stand her, only a thought of her made you gag.

But Tim is happy with her and as long as he's happy you're happy.

"Great" you said faking a smile. You looked at your phone. "Shoot I'm sorry I forgot that I have to go to my grandpa's birthday. Gotta go bye!" You lied and left the room quickly.

"I thought your grandpa was dead" Jason said suddenly behind you. You jumped a little and let out a little scream.

"Jesus Jason don't do that!" You yelled and kept walking ignoring his sentence.

Jason walked next to you with a smirk. "You like him" he said and you stopped eyes wide.

You looked at Jason. "What?! No I don't! We're best friends" you said. Jason chuckled and put an arm around you. "Look kid I know these kind of stuff" he said.

Jason still had a smirk on his face and you couldn't help but blush. You pushed Jason away and kept walking.

"I don't like him" you said when Jason ran back next to you. "yeah and I'm still virgin" Jason said.

You rolled your eyes and walked out of the manor. "Goodbye Jason" you said. "You're jealous and you know it!" He said.

Jason's pov:

"You're jealous and you know it!" I said after (y/n). But she just flipped me. I rolled my eyes and ran to Tim's room.

Tim didn't even notice me coming in so I walked up to him. "Sup Timbo" I said when I was next to him.

Tim just nodded and kept working on the case. "We gotta talk" I said. "Sure" Tim said and kept looking at his computer.

I shut his computer. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Tim asked looking at me finally.

"Why are you with that Alex bitch?" I asked. Tim was clearly confused of my straight question. "Cause I like her" he answered.

"But you liked (y/n) just a week ago!" I said and crossed my arms. Tim sighed. "I need to get over her" Tim said and got up to get a hoodie.

"Why?" I asked. "She doesn't like me back Jay. I mean why would she? She could get any guy she wants" Tim said sadness in his voice.

"break up with Alex" I said. Tim turned to look at me. "What? Why would I?" He asked. "Cause you don't really like her dumbass! You like (y/n)!" I said frustrated.

"So what? I already told you th-" he started but I cut him off. "(Y/n) likes you too you fucking idiot! It's obvious" I said and Tim looked at me shocked.

I shook my head. "Just saying that you're hurting her, just broke up with that bitch and talk to (y/n)" I said and left the room.

Tim's pov:

"Just saying that you're hurting her, just broke up with that bitch and talk to (y/n)" Jason said and left the room

I sat on my bed in shock. 'She likes me too?' I thought.

It does explain why she would always leave when Alex was coming too...

When Alex came we talked and I broke up with her.

I went to put on my Robin suit and hurried to (y/n)'s appartement.

I opened her window since (y/n) never locks it.

I didn't see (y/n) in the room so I sat on her bed and waited.

Soon (y/n) came in the room with a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

"Great birthday I assume" I said and (y/n) jumped a little. She looked over to me and let out a sigh.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" (Y/n) asked and put his coffee and sandwich on a nightstand. "I left her" I said.

Normal pov:

"I left her" Tim said and you blinked confused.

"Who?" You asked. "Alex" He answered. Your eyes went wide. "Why? I thought you liked her" You said confused.

"I never have. I just wanted to get rid of my crush on you but then Jason talked to me and I was have to come talk to you" He said. "You- you have a crush on me?" You asked more confused.

"Yes and Jason said that you have a crush on me too so I was have to come" he said. "I- wait what?! That motherfucker" you said.

"So it's true?" Tim asked. "Maybe... yeah it's true" You said and looked down.

"Great. So um wanna go on a date maybe? Tomorrow? Or whenever it's fine by you" Tim asked. "Tomorrow is fine" you said looking at Tim.

Tim smiled and you smiled too. "I- I should go now.. I have patrol" Tim said. "Yeah right. I'll see you tomorrow" you said.

Tim smiled again and walked to your window and was ready to jump out but you took his hand.

Tim turned to look at you confused and you gave him a quick kiss.

Tim didn't even have time to kiss you back when you pulled away.

You smiled. "Have fun patrolling Robin" you said and Tim smiled. "I will" he said.

Tim winked and left to patrol Gotham. You just smiled like an idiot and jumped up and down.

"Hah! Suck that Alex" you said and shook your head.

'Thanks for being and idiot Jay' you thought and jumped on your bed still smiling.

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