Tim Drake|| Pocky

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Tim: 15
Y/n: 15
(Y/n) your name
Warnings: nah
Summary: Tim wants to beat (y/n) at something so he decided to play a game of pocky.

You were doing homework in the living room of the Wayne manor and listening to music.

Normally you would do homework with Tim but he had some important work to do so that leaves you all alone.

Tim walked in the room holding something so you took off your earphones. "Didn't you have work to do?" 
"I'm finished. I got a new game for us. This time I know I'll win" Tim smirked and sat down next to you.

You and Tim were very competitive about everything. You've tried like every game there is. Usually you were the winner. There was some games that Tim beats you in but only few.

You raised a brow. "What is it?" Tim hold up the box. It was box of pockys. "Pocky" Tim grinned.

A smirk formed on your face. "You're on, Timmy boy"

You took one of the chocolate sticks and put the other end in your mouth.

Tim bit on the other end you broke the stick almost immediately.

Tim chuckled "told you so" he ate the rest of the pocky. "Nah uh! I want another round I wasn't ready."

Tim took another pocky and put it in his mouth. You took a deep breath and tried to get further than before.

This time Tim was the one to brake the stick. You laughed. "I win"  "I just gave you some mercy"  "ooh little Timmy is going bad~"  "shut up and put it in your mouth- wait n-"

Tim's sentence was cut off by you bursting out laughing. "Whoa Tim relax" you managed to say. "I didn't mean it that way!" Tim was clearly getting embarrassed but you couldn't stop laughing.

Your laughter finally stopped and you breathed heavily. "Ooh my god... that made my day"

You chuckled and took a new pocky. "Okay Tim last round" you said as you put the pocky in your mouth.

Tim rolled his eyes and bit on the other end. You both took few bites until your faces were very close.

You were about to pull away and Tim noticed this which made him smirk. Your blood boiled as you saw the smirk and moved your face closer so your lips touched.

You pulled away. "Tie"  "So not count" Tim hold up another pocky. Your cheeks were pinkish but you nodded and Tim but the pocky in his mouth.

You took the other end in your mouth and the game begun once again.

This time Tim got the last move. Once his lips touched yours you were supposed to pull away but no. Not this time.

You moved even closer and began to kiss Tim. He was taken back by this but didn't pull away.

As Tim melted into the kiss your hands went to his hair and his went to your waist pulling you closer to him.

"Hey (y/n) have you see-" Jason walked in the room and stopped once he saw you two. Tim was quick to pull away and looked at Jason. "What the fu-"

Soo opinions on Tim's new codename?

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