Damian Wayne|| Make Me

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Damian: 14
Y/n: 14
(Y/n) your name
Warnings: cursing.
Summary: reader thinks everything out loud and drives Damian crazy.

You looked at your math book confused once again.

You were doing homework with Damian in the living room and while Damian was almost done you were still struggling with the third question.

"If five plus ten equals fifteen then-" Damian looked at you annoyed. You've been thinking out loud the whole time. "..Then the answer is have to be... um... 50.6?... no that can't be right... I made a mistake again. Ugh fuck this shit why does the teachers need to torture us like this?.."

Damian sighed and focused back to his own homework.

"It's 20. Gosh I'm stupid. Well this isn't even that important sooo... unless it comes into the test. I'll be dead. I'll fail and then I won't pass my class and I'm have to take it again or go to summer school o-"
"Do you ever shut up?"

You looked at Damian confused. He had really frustrated look on his face and you realized that you've been saying all the things out loud again.

You smiled awkwardly and scratched your neck. "Heh sorry Dami... I'll shut up now"
"Good." Damian looked at his homework. "The answer is 24. Imbecile."
"Oh.. thanks Dami"

You were quiet for five minutes then your thoughts came out of your mouth without even realizing.

"I'm gonna fail. I'm so gonna fail. I hate my life. Math is too hard for me! I could get help but that would be stupid and I don't even know anyone who could help me and I don't want the teacher to decide that because on my luck I'll get some idiot instead the one who I really want! He doesn't even notice me so why am I trying... Good thing is that we only live together not related." Damian looked up confused
"Wait i need to focus on my homework. Shit. (Y/n) focus. It's not that hard it's just few simple questions you can do this just focus and..."

Damian rolled his eyes and tried to focus again. If you would've been Tim or just anyone else you'd be dead by now but Damian would never hurt you. In any kinda way. That was a huge weakness of his. Or at least that's what Damian always says.

"Wait there's alphabets in here?! What the hell?... this makes shit ten times more hard... oh man I'm definitely gonna fail... shit I hate math. Why can't I jus-"
"Shut up!"
"Make me!"

Once you realized what you said you look at Damian little embarrassed. He was looking at you surprised.

"What did you say?" You looked around then back at Damian.
"Make me.."

Damian smirked "why are smirking like th-" and suddenly his lips were on yours.

You froze and your eyes widened at the sudden action.

Damian pulled away and grinned. You blinked confused but soon pulled him in for another kiss.

Damian smirked and pulled you closer. Your hands went to hold his face and Damian's were on your waist.

Bonus(3rd pov)

Dick walked in the living room laughing with Jason but stopped as soon as he saw (y/n) and Damian making out.

"Hey!! Hands off my baby sister! Demon!" Jason yelled.  "Oh man.." Dick said

Wish I could make this longer but too busy for that and wanted to publish something so this is it for now

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