Bat boys|| Food

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Dick: 21
Jason: 19
Tim: 16
Damian: 14
Y/n: 14
(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name
Warnings: language

"Ew I hate taco bell!" You yelled getting frustrated.

You were alone with your big brothers and were trying to decide what to eat. Too bad that you don't like the same food.

Everyone likes different places and you've been fighting about it for half an hour now.

"Then what the fuck are we gonna eat?" Jason asked. "Language! We have a little child here actually two of them" Dick said.

"Hey!" You yelled. "We're fourteen not four" You continued. "What about McDonalds?" You asked. "No" Tim said.

Damian rolled his eyes. "Can you imbeciles just decide already" he said annoyed. Jason glared at Damian and was ready to punch him but you stopped him.

"Relax Jay and Dami you could give ideas too, you haven't said what you want yet. What would you like?" You asked. "I don't care" Damian answered.

You sighed. "What about pizza?" Dick asked. "Sure" Tim said. "Finally let's go" Jason said and got up from the couch.

You were even more annoyed now. "That's what I succeeded thirty minutes ago!" You yelled throwing your hands up. "Whatever sorry. Let's go I'm fucking hungry" Jason said and walked out of the manor.

Dick and Tim followed him and you just sat there frustrated. "(L/n)?" Damian asked worried. "I hate my family!" You said and Damian chuckled.

Damian took your hand and pulled you up from the couch. "Let's go. You're not yourself when you're hungry"(eat a snickers) he said and started to walk out.

You walked behind him holding his hand tighter.

"I'm too tired I can't walk~" you whined. Damian looked at you with raised brow. "Then crawl" he said and you rolled your eyes. "Noo I want piggyback ride. Please Dami" you begged with puppy dog eyes.

Damian sighed but nodded his head and you literally jumped on his back.

You lazily put your hands around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Thank you Dami. This is why you're my favorite" you said and kissed his cheek. "Whatever" he said, and walked out holding you by your legs so you wouldn't fall.

"Hurry up lovebirds!" Dick yelled from few feet away. "Shut up Grayson"Damian yelled back. "Jeesus lord my ears" you whined.

Damian looked at you with a smirk on his face. You frowned. "You did that on purpose didn't ya?" You asked. "Don't know what you're talking about" he said and you rolled your eyes.

"I hate you" you said. "You just said that I'm your favorite" he answered. "Shut uup" you said.

"You two are so slow" Jason said. "Easy for you to say, Todd" he said. "What's that supposed to mean?" You asked and Dick started laughing.

Jason pulled you off of Damian's back and dropped you on the ground. "Ow! What the hell dude?!" You yelled and Jason laughed.

You stood up and started chasing Jason but he was too fast for you.

Dick was dying from laughing too much and and Tim was laughing too. Damian looked at you somewhat smiling.

You were very out of breath and walked back to the others.

You kicked Dick. "Shut up" you said and sat on the ground.

"We were supposed to go eat" Tim said. "Yeah yeah. Jason! Were leaving" Dick said. "(Y/n) c'moon get up" Tim said.

You sighed very deeply and looked at Damian. Damian rolled his eyes and lifted you up bridal style.

"Aaw look at themm" Dick said to Tim. Damian gave them a death glare and you laughed.

Heyy a quick and short update today.
And my wrist isn't broken but it still hurts, but I'm happy that it's not broken.

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