Damian Wayne|| puppies

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Damian: 14
Y/n: 14
(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name
(B/n) brother's name
Warnings: none

You worked in a pet shop for the summer and helped your mom around.

"(Y/n) sweetie. Could you go check if the new puppies have food?" Your mom asked. "Of course" you said and walked in the room where you keep the puppies.

As soon as you arrived in the doorway all the puppies tried to come to you. You giggled and stepped over the cardboard that kept the puppies in the room and sat down on the ground.

All the puppies came to you and you were surrounded with puppies.

"Hey guyss hey Junior no biting" you said to one of the puppies. You pet the puppies then looked at Junior who was biting his own tail again.

You chuckled and shook your head. You picked Junior up. "What did I say about biting huh?" You asked.

Junior looked at you and licked your face. You giggled and stood up. You went to check the food corner and saw that there was enough food.

"I'm surprised. You didn't find out a way to go and eat all the food... don't give me that look" you said to Junior.

"(Y/n) could you come help me?" Your mother asked. "Coming!" You answered. "Sorry Junior I gotta go" you said and put him down.

You tried to walk out but Junior bit your jeans and wouldn't let go. You tried to gently get him off of you but with no luck.

You rolled your eyes and picked him up. "You want to come with me?" You asked. Junior barked and you took that as a yes and walked out of the room with Junior.

"I gotta go to your brother's school he was on a fight again can you ta- why are you holding Junior?" Your mother asked. "He wouldn't stay in the room so I brought him with me" you answered. "Okay. Anyway can you keep the store up until I come back?" Your mother asked. "Sure" you said.

Your mother smiled and picked up his purse. "I'll be back soon. Thanks sweetie" she said and kissed your cheek then left.

You put Junior on the counter and sat down on a chair. Soon Junior jumped down and walked around the shop.

You looked at your phone and snapped to your friends.

You jumped when you heard a crash from the back of the shop. You ran there and saw Junior looking guilty as heck and dog food cans all over the floor.

"Junior. I'm have to clean this..." you said. Junior looked sad and laid on the ground. "It's okay, J" you said with a sigh.

You moved Junior out of the way and put everything back to their places. Broken cans you threw away or put aside to give to the puppies.

You were putting the last can to it's right place when the door opened and Junior got excited. Junior ran to the door. "Junior no! Wait! Stop" you said and ran after him.

Luckily a guy around your age caught Junior before it could run out. You stopped and the guy looked at you with a raised brow.

"I'm so sorry Junior likes to run around" you said. "It's fine." he said and Junior licked him. You giggled and the guy looked at Junior.

He pet Junior and gave it to you. You smiled and looked at the guy. "So, can I help you?" You asked. "Is (l/n) here?" The guy asked. "That's my last name but I guess you mean my mother eh? She's out should come back soon. Why?" You asked. "Came to get a new puppy" he answered.

You smiled and took his hand. "I can help you with that" you said and began to take him to the room where the puppies were.

"Watch the cardboard" you said as you stepped over it into the puppy room. You set Junior down and he ran to his friends.

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