Jaytim|| training

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A little different one today
Jason: 21
Tim: 18
Dick: 24
Warnings: gay shipppppppppp

"Ugh" Tim groaned when Jason threw him to the ground harshly.

"Told you I would beat you" Jason said with a smirk. "Shut up" Tim said as he got up.

Tim rubbed his back. "Jesus Jason. You really had to go that hard" he said and sat down on a chair. Jason just chuckled. "You told me to do my best" he said.

Tim rolled his eyes and took a sip of his water. Jason took his shirt off and Tim couldn't help but stare at his well toned chest.

"You're staring Timmy" Jason said with a smirk. Tim blushed and looked away.

Jason walked to Tim and he looked up at Jason. "So how's your back?" Jason asked very close to Tim.

Tim was blushing and could swear that Jason was able to hear his heartbeat. "I-it's fine" Tim answered and cursed for stuttering.

Jason chuckled and leaned closer to Tim. "You're cute when you're blushing" Jason said. "Um t-thanks?" Tim said.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Take the hint asshat" he said and Tim looked at him confused. "What?" Tim asked.

Jason groaned and closed the gap between them. Tim's eyes widened when he felt Jason's lips on his.

Soon enough Tim closed his eyes and kissed Jason back.

"Not bad Timmy" Jason said when he pulled away. "I- you- I'm confused. You.. like me?" Tim asked.

"No I just kissed you for fun" Jason said sarcastically then smiled a little. "Dick told me that you like me awhile ago. I was waiting for you to tell me but you're too damn slow" Jason said.

"Heh.. I'm sorry" Tim said blushing a bit. "Don't be" Jason said and Tim smiled shyly at him.

Tim kissed Jason again and he gladly kissed back.

"Hey guys mind if I-" Dick said when he walked in the room but stopped when he saw Jason and Tim kissing. "Omg!! That's so cute! My ship! Ah this is great!" He yelled

Tim looked away blushing and Jason backed away.

"Too late I saw you!! I'm so happy for you guys!" Dick said. "Shut up" Jason said.

Just so you to know he didn't shut up. Nope. He continued all day.

I love Jaytim one of my favorite ships ever. And sorry for not uploading yesterday or the day before that.
I'm currently working on a one shot I got requested so that would be the next one and it's coming up tomorrow.

Have a great day, I love you all <3

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