Jason Todd|| Need You Now

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Jason: 22
Y/n: 22
Y/n - your name
Warnings: eh
Request: but I was wondering if you could do something with the song Need You Now by Lady Antebellum? Every time I hear that song I immediately think of something with Jason.
Art credits: couldn't find.

"Say cheese!" You said before taking a picture of Jason. He frowned and took the camera from you. "Hey!" You tried to take the camera back but he was too tall for you. "I told you. No pictures before noon. I look like shit when I'm tired" you raised a brow. "No, you don't, Jay. You look cute" you smiled and finally snatched the camera from him. Jason frowned and you took a picture of him then ran inside the school building. 

You smiled at the memory and put the picture of Jason down with others. You were going through old photo albums and happened to find a bunch of pictures of your favourite bad boy, Jason. Yeah, you used to be very close but not anymore. You missed him a lot but couldn't call hin because he was the one who ended whatever was between you two.

You've always known that he was insecure and his past still bothered him (even tho he never would admit it) but you thought that all that could be forgotten when you two were together. Well, I guess I was wrong... 

Your eyes scanned the bedroom and finally focused on your phone. Maybe... he misses me too... A sigh escaped your lips and you shook your head.


Jason opened the door of his apartment and walked in Roy close behind. "I don't get it, dude. She was smoking hot! How can you not want to do her?! Are you out of your mind!" Jason looked at his friend with a raised brow. "She wasn't THAT hot. Plus I have a shitty headache so can you not yell" he walked to the couch and fell on it face first.

Roy looked at him shocked. "Not that hot?! NOT THA- oh shit sorry... I mean. Not that hot?.... you're crazy!" He walked in the kitchen and got himself a soda and an apple for Jason. "Catch," he said before throwing the apple at him.

Jason lifted his arm and caught the apple. He stood up with a frown. "What am I gonna do with this?!" Roy rolled his eyes. "I don't know... stick it up to your ass. What you think you're gonna do with it?!" Jason sighed and threw the apple back to him. "Not hungry."

Roy caught the apple and took a bite. He walked in the living room and sat next to his friend. "You need to eat healthier, Jay. It helps to get in a better mood" he smiled and nudged Jason. Jason just rolled his eyes and spoke "says the one who uses drugs." which made Roy frown. Jason shook his head and looked at Roy with apologetic look "sorry... didn't mean to" he looked down and Roy shrugged. "Don't worry about it." he smiled and looked at his friend. 

"Oooooohhhh" Roy let out when he realized what was wrong with his friend. "You're thinking about her? Again?" Jason snorted. "No!" Roy raised a brow. "Oh really? You turned down the hottest girl at the club! Admit that you love her."

Jason shook his head and stood up. "I don't love her! I don't- she doesn't need me in her life so drop it!" He walked in the kitchen and took a beer out of the fridge. "Ooh because drinking is gonna make everything better..." Roy sighed and stood up. "You're boring when you're down" he walked towards the door. "Plus Oliver needs me so imma go... please do everyone AND yourself a favour and call her, okay?" He looked at Jason. He just rolled his eyes and waved him off. "Yeah yeah, whatever. See you later, Harper." Roy shook his head. "Bye man!" He saluted and left.

Jason sat down on the armchair and thought about Roy's words while taking another sip of the beer. "Tch"

He looked at his phone which was on the table in front of him and groaned. "Fuck this shit" he mumbled and went to get something stronger since different thoughts kept running around his head.

He finally found some whiskey and poured himself a glass. He looked around the apartment. 'Man I really need to clean this shit...' he sighed and took a sip of his whiskey then looked at the door.

"Wadup hoe?!" You yelled after opening the front door and casually walked in the living room. Jason looked up from his book confused. "I thought I took away the keys?" You shrugged and sat down. "I picked the lock. So what's wrong?" Jason frowned. "Nothing." You looked at his book then his face with a raised brow. "You're reading that so something's definitely wrong. Spit it out." Jason sighed and began the rant.

Jason chuckled. He'd never say it out loud but he loved when you just walked in the apartment and made his day ten times better.

He let out a long groan and ran to his phone. He dialled your number which he knew by memory and called you without a doubt.

He stressfully waited for you to answer for a good moment. When you finally answered he froze. "Hello?..." Jason shook his head. "H-hi" 'fuck I stuttered didn't I...' he could hear the confusion from your voice. "Jay? Hii... um. What's up?" Jason smiled. He loved that voice. "Nothing much... I miss you..."

It seemed like both of you froze since you were silent for a while. "I-... are you drunk?" Jason rolled his eyes and sat on the couch. "Fuck yeah. But I mean it." You sighed. "Jason... I miss you too but you're drunk... you don't mean what you're saying." Jason frowned. "I fucking do. Come over so I can prove it."

You were quiet for a while again. "Okay.." Jason looked up surprised. "Wait really?" "Uh.... yeah" Jason smiled and said quick bye then hung up.

You took a while to get there and Jason started thinking that you weren't coming at all. 'Should have known' he sighed and took another sip of the whiskey.

The doorbell rang and Jason's head shot up. He just sat there for a while. To be honest he wasn't sure what he should do.

He quickly drank the rest of the whiskey and walked to the door. Good thing that he can tolerate alcohol very well.

Once he opened the door he froze. What the hell. He knew you were coming but he was still shocked.

You were as shocked as he was. Seeing his adorable face was... a lot to take in. You cracked a small smile and looked at him up and down. "Hi, Jay..." Jason smirked and let you walk in.

....Not even gonna tell a reason this time. Not gonna say sorry either because people seem to be annoyed by that... sooo have a nice day... :) also if I'm being honest it was kinda weird to write after such a long pause

Batboys x Reader[Editing] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें