Dick Grayson|| Drinking

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Dick: 23
Y/n: 21
(Y/n) your name
Warnings: drinking, mentions of sex
Summary: reader is drunk and jokes around with Jason until he leaves with Tim. Dick takes care of the reader then

You burst out laughing as Jason made another stupid joke. They weren't even funny but since you've been drinking everything seemed funny.

Tim looked at you two amused look on his face and chuckled.

You sat up straight and looked around. You spotted the helium balloons and smirked. "Ey yo Jay I have a.. an awesome idea"

You took one of the balloons and breathed in the helium.

You looked at Jason with a serious look and said with a high voice "I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman!"

You and Jason immediately burst out laughing and you leaned closer to him to stay up.

"You know glaring at Jason is not going to help, Dick" Tim said to his older brother. Dick looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"
"I can see your death glare Dick. Don't worry about Jason he knows not to touch (y/n) even if he was drunk"
"I know."
"Do you tho?"
"Shut up.."

You giggled and looked at Dick then smiled widely.

"Dickyy! My love" you said and stood up. You looked around. "What was I gonna say again?.."
"I don't fucking know you didn't say it" Jason said and drank some more alcohol.
"It was something about Jason's ugly face" you giggled and walked to Dick.

"Oi fuck you!" Jason yelled. "Nah! Go fuck Tim instead!" You yelled back.

Tim looked at you two with a raised brow and Jason smirked. "I'm fine with that" he mumbled and stood up. "Wait what?" Tim asked.

Jason walked to him and grabbed his wrist. He dragged the blushing boy into his room.

You laughed and buried your face into Dick's neck. "Mmm" You hummed and kissed his neck. "I love you Dick"  Dick smiled "I love you too"

You smiled and kissed his neck again. "Um babe you're drunk"
"Who cares.."
"I do. Let's just get you to bed okay?"
You smirked and looked at him.
"To sleep! Nothing else. After you've cleared your head"
"Oh man..."

Dick chuckled. "Can you walk?"  You rolled your eyes. "Pfft. Can I walk? Of course I ca-" and of course you fell as you were about to take a step.

Dick's eyes widened and he helped you to get up also holding back the laugh.

Dick lifted you up bridal style and you frowned. "Hey! I have boyfriend dude!"  Dick raised a brow. "I know"
"Keep your hands off. I love my boyfriend and I would never cheat on him"

Dick walked towards your room. "My boyfriend has the greatest ass in this world. Even better than I do"  Dick chuckled and opened your door with his foot.

You yawned and Dick set you down on the bed. He tugged you in and looked at you with a smile.

You lazily looked at Dick and smiled. "Heyy... when did you get in here?"
"A second ago"  you yawned again and took a hold of his hand. "Can we cuddle?"
"How could I say no to that?"

Dick came next to you under the covers and pulled you as close as possible.

You smiled and hold on to his shirt. "I wonder how Tim and Jason are doing" you said.
"I don't wanna know"

You chuckled and looked at Dick. You smiled as his eyes met yours then kissed him.

Dick kissed you back. He soon pulled away tho to make sure that things don't get too heated.

"You should rest, love" he said. You yawned and nodded. You closed your eyes and moved closer to Dick. If that was even possible.

Dick smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I love you Dicky boo"
"I love you too, love"

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